Part 1

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   I thought back to the summer days when I would sit and read in my room while my sisters would go outside, chasing whatever ran from them. Occasionally, my mother would sit inside with me when she found the time. She'd tell me the most amazing tales, ones that were unforgettable. A couple times one of my sisters would run into the room telling my mom what mischief my sister Riley had gotten into. I found it rather annoying because she got all of the attention. I continued walking to the garden that was no longer colorful and beautiful considering this time of year. I honestly found it brilliant in its own way; how the plants would lose their lives and come back just as beautiful the next time. I closed my eyes, remembering how every corner of the garden was covered with the greenest grass and large rose bushes. A smile slowly crept upon my lips as I recalled the fulfilling smell of leaves on the trees. It'd feel like I'd stepped into a new world where time stops and I no longer age. I'd live forever in this wonder place.

Every step I'd take, dry twigs would snap underneath my feet. I'd go sit underneath the big oak tree to keep shade as I'd pull out a book and get lost in it. The only sounds that would be heard were light chuckles from me when I read something funny or the sounds of the animals around me. Occasionally, I'd look up to find the most interesting animals you could think of. The way the squirrels would chase each other or when the wind would come in strong and blow the leaves up in the air. I loved watching as they slowly fall back to the ground. This garden has watched me grow up, it's been there since I was a baby rolling around in the grass, it's even witnessed my first kiss. Sometimes my sister Riley would come running into the garden interrupting my thoughts. She'd be carrying a picnic basket with her small hands and ask me to join her. I opened my eyes coming back to the real, world laughing lightly as I remember that. A frown quickly took over my face as thought back to her last days on earth. She was very fond of the saying "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." She'd repeat that throughout our childhood and towards the end of her's, I then realized how true it was. That always makes me think about everything. After the funeral I ran to the garden as fast as my body would allow. That helped me with the grief and loss of my best friend. Memories can always come to life in the mind so it's hard to get past it. A part of me is glad she died before the world changed. I shook my head in attempt to stop thinking about it and it thankfully worked. I pulled the book out of my bag and lightly ran my finger over the seam. My thoughts drifted away as I opened it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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