A new beginning

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Chapter 1. A new beginning
¨Alexia... Alexia, wake up!¨ someone familiar said. Alexia shot her head right up. She hated when people call her that. She usually goes by the name alex for short. "What." She said with a death glare. "Don't give me that tone" said Mrs. Katherine, "AND DON'T SLEEP IN MY CLASSROOM!".
B-DING B-DING B-DING! "Oh looks like it's time for lunch" She said while rushing out of the room. Alex didn't really care what Mrs. Katherine had to say.
As Alex walks Down the stairs She spots a pendent on the floor. " huh? What's this, it beautiful!?" And of cores She grabbed it and just in case anyone sees it she put it in her bag. It was a light teal color which is her favorite color. Alex continues down the stairs. She decided to eat outside. Why not? Its a gray day out, and no one really likes to go out on a gray day. "Ah. Perfect" she says in delight.
----- time skip to home -----
Alex's heads in her room and drops her bag on the floor.
----Alex's P.O.V----
Ugh I hate the teachers, especially Mrs. Katherine, and that's not the worst part. I have a new roommate coming today.
I grab the pendant out of my bag, and I hold it right in my palm. Something starts to feel wired? "OW!" I dropped the pendant and I look at my hand. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" I saw a symbol in the middle of my palm. It kinda looked strange. I think it will go away soon. I picked up the pendant and turned it around. It had the Same symbol and my name was is the middle, but it wasn't my nick name. "Alexia" is what was written on it. I put spit on my finger and try to rub it off but it doesn't work so, I run in the kitchen and take a knife and try to scratch it off, but not a single scratch.
"What the hell? How did it know my name and what did it do to my hand?" I say in Curiosity.


Huh? Oh that's probably my new roommate. My original one always brought guys over and had a lot of party's and that's how she met her boyfriend. I didn't like him or her. There were both cheating on each other and they both know that. Well good thing she lives with him now, I couldn't stand her.
I go over to the door and see a boy who is 6' 4 who has brown hair and blue eyes. And Wow I feel tiny. I'm only 5' 3. He looks at me. I don't like it so I just look at him as if I didn't give a shit. " so can I come in?" He said with a harsh voice. Damn I hate him already. I move aside letting him come in. "name's Zander, what's yours." Zander said crouching down knowing I'm short to him.
" Alex, and you don't have to crouch, also your room is over there." I point over to his room which is a cross from mine. "And that's my room, Your not allowed in there. Make yourself at home." I was about to walk in my room till he grabbed my wrist. " yes." I said like I didn't care but if I could I would punch him right in the gut. "That symbol.". Huh?
" What abou-" I blacked out.

I woke up and saw myself in a big bedroom. "WAIT! WHAT AM I WEARING!" I see myself in a small white gown that goes to my finger tips which is where my thighs are. I apparently was also wearing my pendant. I got up and saw a balcony. I went over to the balcony and I'm at least 3 stories high. Everything was different. It looked like a mansion.
This is going to be, a new beginning.

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