the hunter's daughter, is my mate?

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chapter 1

Jasmin P.O.V

waking up to an alarm is natural to  me but waking up to a new home and new life not so much.

I raised out of my big bed ready to start this new day i was trying to look forward to. 'why couldn't i have a nomal dad with a 9 to 5 instead of a dad with a cross bow n a gun to shoot any thing that move which cause us to move around so much.' Jamin thought to herself

After i finished having my deep thought i begin starting my day with a hot shower and some breakfast .

i walked in to the kitchen to see my  farther (john)  talking on the phone.

"yea i wont the strong part of the team to circle the area in get to know the land we will be having a meeting today about all the plans we have for this new place."

walking pass him i grabbed a bowl , cereal and milk and a spoon

"all right I'll talk to you later jasmin just walk in" said john hanging up the phone to look at his beautiful daughter that he raise for 18 years.

"so my little angel what do you have plan to day"

"well since we moved once again i firgure why not hung out with my cousin angle she all ready know the place so she  show me around the mall" laughed jasmin

she was a serious sport girl that all she knew being raise by all males it was kinda hard askn them what look good on you and what should you wear on your first date etc.

"well have fun with all that i hope you have fun and  friends that are girls because i think we are goin to be stayin here this time so you and angle have fun at the mall"

john rose up to kiss his daughter on the head while he grab his coffe in begin to walk in his office leavn jasmin with her thoughts

"Ding don"

"i get it it's angle " said jasmin running to the front door

"hey cuz how you been " said angel walking pass jasmin to the living room

"sooooo How you like your new house " said angle sittn on the counch

"mmmmm idk i get back to you on that on " said jasmin walking toward angel to get her phone off the couch where she  was sitn

"soo you ready to head to the mall because we got  a party to go to so you will be able to get to know some people in the town in some people at my school you will be goin to" angel said gettin up  walking to the door heading to jasmin mustage that she just got for her birthday.

"i guess that mean we not taking yo broke down car" jamin said lookn at angel 1967 chevy that barley had two wheels to stand on

" haha you so funny not ever body can have daddy wrape around there finger like you can so cut me and my little dream car some slack"  angel said while jasmin startnd the car engine up and begin driving to the mall

2 hours later

jasmin begin walking to the food court with angel in tow  holding up severl bags.

after they got there food they sat down and begin talkn.

"soo do you see that cute guy over there checking you out " angel said eyein a table of boys

"no and i reali dont  care i dont have time for boys anyway he probley ugly"

it wasnt that jasmin didnt wont to find any body in her life but her life was to much right now and her father would not have her having a boyfriend to stop her from her training and other thing he have her doin

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