Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Disappointed Hopes

It was nearly midnight, and Harry was lying on his stomach in bed, the blankets drawn right up over his head like a tent. He had his wand illuminated, and was looking over clippings from the Daily Prophet. It was almost his birthday, but no one had mentioned a word. He had hoped, after last year, that he might get to do something special again. Last year had been such a nice change from his childhood when the muggles had completely ignored him.

Harry supposed he shouldn't be greedy. He did have a very nice birthday last year. But, then again, he would only turn thirteen once. Harry glanced back down at the Daily Prophet clips. With everything that had been happening, it was no surprise that everyone had forgotten about his birthday. Harry's eyes travelled over the clippings again. Under a picture of a particularly angry-looking Dumbledore was the headline.


Yesterday morning Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was issued an official warning of behavioral misconduct from the Minister of Magic and the Board of Governors. During the past school year, Salazar Slytherin's legendary beast, supposedly hidden deep under the school within the Chamber of Secrets, terrorized Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore did nothing to halt the attacks, nor did he provide the parents of Hogwarts students notice that this was occurring.

A total of four attacks throughout the year resulted in two petrified students, a petrified cat, a petrified ghost, and two students were even taken down into the Chamber itself. However, not one parent was notified. This reporter spoke to Mr. Finch-Fletchley about his son's attack:

"I was never notified of any danger to the students, nor was I informed that my son was petrified for over half the school year. I was merely told he would be staying during the Christmas Holidays. When I inquired as to the reason, and attempted to reach him via owl, the owls were returned to me. I lodged several complaints with the Board of Governors, and am glad someone has finally done something about this."

It is amazing that after such a troubled year, Headmaster Dumbledore has only been issued a warning. This reporter wonders what will be necessary to (ctd. page 4, column 1)

That particular clipping was from the July 1st prophet. Harry remembered how elated his family had been over the direct hit to Dumbledore's credibility and reputation. The article had generated an outraged response from the parents of students who hadn't mentioned the attacks. No parent wanted to send their child to an unsafe school. The second clipping was more personally satisfying to Harry, however.

Gilderoy Lockhart GUILTY!

Gilderoy Lockhart, author of countless books, has, as of this morning, been stripped of all awards and accolades and is spending time in Azkaban for repeatedly Obliviating witches and wizards and taking credit for their work. Lockhart was arrested Tuesday morning after none other than Mr. Harry Potter (also known as the Boy-Who-Lived), revealed that Gilderoy Lockhart's entire literary career has been built on lies and thievery.

On behalf of Mr. Potter, Lord Lucius Malfoy registered an official complaint with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement early Monday morning. Several memories were submitted in which Lockhart not only admits to his lies and illegal use of the Memory Modification Charm, but also attempts to use the charm on Mr. Potter and Mr. Draco Malfoy, son to Lucius. The two boys were able to stun Lockhart before he was able to successfully cast the charm, but it was a close call.

Lockhart's trial was conducted yesterday by the entire Wizengamot, during which both Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy provided evidence. Lockhart was found guilty of all counts and sentenced to ten years in Azkaban. Of course, with such information coming to light, this reporter wonders why he was hired by Albus Dumbledore to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. Surely Dumbledore would have researched Lockhart's background before hiring him? Such a search would most definitely have revealed these unsavory dealings. Perhaps Dumbledore is (ctd. page 3 column 2)

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