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Fragile Prologue


Wind whipping at the frail tree branches, their howls piercing the quiet, brisk air.  Creaks of door hinges echoing throughout the small house, its sound bouncing off the peeling walls.  Tiny, bony fingers tapping against the windowsill, the sound creating a rhythmus beat.  Unending.  Bland.  Distasteful.

A shuffling of feet is heard.  The tapping stopps, leaving the howls and the creaks to rule the noise levels.  Dirt and dust fly into the air, floating lightly like feathers in the summer air.  There's a disturbance, She can sense it.

"Maddie," a hoarse, soft voice squeaks, drowning into the sound of the wind and doors.  She turns around, her dirty and long brown hair whipping to the side.  There stands a little girl, her arms wrapping tightly around a weathered teddy bear.  "It's happening again."

She squints, taking a step toward the little girl.  Thoughts rush through Her over-run mind, whizzing around like the winds outdoors.  Although She is young, She had a maturity like no other, and can handle situations better than most adults can.  This situation, thought, cannot be handled by anyone.  She stumbles a bit, forcing her eyes to stay open for just another moment.

"We cannot control it," She says, staring at the little girl in front of her.  "No one can.  Nobody..."  She trails off, letting her tongue go dry.  Sympathy fills Her, feeling the pain of the younger child She adores so much.  She knows what She must say, although it stabs her heart like a knife would.  "Just go with it, Mackenzie, just...go..."  The frail little girl shuts her eyes, a tear falling down her cheek.  It cleans her dirty skin, leaving a streak mark.

She collapses, the deprivation clawing at her likes lions.  Gasps escape her mouth, and she rolls around in agony.  No one but Mackenzie can understand this feeling.  Deprivation...deprivation...torture...

"Mackenzie, hide in the cabinets," She murmurs, black entruding into her vision.  "I will be awake soon..."  She thinks one last time before Her world goes dark.  When will this end?  When can Her and Her sister no longer be this...fragile?





End of prologue.  I'm actually very proud of this, it's probably my best writing ever.

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