Forge of a Myth

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"Are you seriously going to try and forge that thing?" Radek asked in disbelief.

I grunted in answer and continued to rummage through yellow gold nuggets. I was looking for the purest gold I could find.

"You do understand you are going to waste a shitload of good gold in this. Right?"

"Oh, drop it! You should know all too well it's useless. He decided to try it and he will do so. Now shut up and watch or go catch butterflies."

Lerilies has always been eager to let people do whatever they want to and make her mind on the final result. I thought. Radek had been my apprentice for a couple of centuries before starting his own business down the road. Twenty years ago I had taken a new apprentice, Lerilise. She hasn't touched a single piece of work since she has started with me, like I told her the first day. The remarkable part is that she never complained. I think I'm going to like working with her. Glancing at her I notice that she is still perched on the same barrel. It's amazing how even after twenty years she survey my every move, almost like it's the first time she sees me working. Well, today she isn't that far from the truth. What I'm going to do would be a first time even for Radek to see. That is, if the boy has the sense to close his mouth and open his eyes. He thought dryly.

Finally taking some nuggets of the finest yellow gold from the box and putting it away I studied my workshop. My eyes taking in everything double and triple checking that it was all ready.

"Lerilies, come with me. We need some nuggets of white gold and some platinum. What I have here is not good enough." I said.

"Yes, Master."

Radek threw his hands above his head and left. Not caring much about him I closed the shop and headed down the road. I had a good idea where to find what he needed, or at least who may have it.


The following day at dawn we were at the shop again. I was doing the last check for my tools and Lerilies was perched on her barrel as usual.

"Very well little girl, let's begin. Be sharp, I will need your help from time to time and when I need it you must be ready."

"I will, Master."

I nodded and settled on creating a new level of goldsmith's art.

He hasn't told anyone, not even his apprentices that this work was a commission. And I only showed them part of the design, not the whole project. Even Lerilise wouldn't believe I could create it if she knew everything. But fate is a much needed ingredient for every creation that people don't believe can possibly exist.

It has been a week since SHE came to visit me. And that has been a complete shock. She simply walked in, owning the place from the moment she set foot and until she would be long gone. I could still feel her presence in my place.

"Hi" she said, studying me and fixing her piercing eyes in mine. There was no mistaking those eyes. There has been only one being ever to have them, and every single creature who walked the planet at the time her story unfolded knew all too well who she was.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" I was starting to sweat, still I did nothing against her. I was sure of that.

She smiled a knowing smile and I thought she was the most beautiful woman. "You don't have reason to fear me, yet. I am here for business, if you fancy working for me."

I thought for a long moment, she said she was here for business, so if I say no she'll respect that and leave. Yet I couldn't let go this easily.

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