Walking alone no house or family just school. That's all he had. That's all he ever had sometimes he wondered why that was all he had. "This stupid world why is this world so stupid?" Said Tristen. After kicking a can off the sidewalk. Then he realized he was being watched. But he knew it was to late to run... He was already dead... But then he realizes... He seen a dragon it talks to him and it says "Ah so your the other chosen one." Said the dragon." Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Dovakin. Which in my language means dragon king and if your wondering if I'm the king of all dragons I am." Said dovakin. "So what exactly is going on here?" said Tristan."Will there is a legend in our world saying that one dragon the dovakin will be in this legend and that was me and one boy from the earth is what we call it I'm guessing that's what you called as well our studies of us telling you that's what we found out. But the main part of the legend says that the dragon and the boys will lo form together and the boy will be in control because of the earth the reason why we will forming together and it because we both died at the same exact second in two different worlds." Said dovakin." Oh no our time is up now just accept my present of becoming a boy and a dragon basically a dead boy who can turn into a dragon." Said Dovakin.
Moments later Dovakin said there time was up he saw a bright light then you realized that he was waking up on the middle of the street... But he doesn't feel the same he felt like he was growing getting bigger and at the same time he felt fire all over him. Moments later he realize that he was a giant dragon. At first he didn't know what to do but then he thought "well these guys killed me, I might as well get my revenge and kill them all." After he thought that he realized that it would be a good idea to start swinging around the tail and hitting all of them while breathing out fire towards everyone while doing a 360 rotation. Then he realized that they were all dead and everything around was on fire then he felt like he was slowly shrinking all again and he felt no more fire or lava in his belly. Then he looked at his paws or what he thought would be his paws then he realized that the reason why he felt no more fire or lava in his belly was because he was turning back into a boy and that it was all over. But when he realized that he's naked in public, luckily it was midnight no one would be crazy enough to be up at that time in his town.And this town was called Brightsinburg. Owned by the Bright family. Which they were the only people that he ever liked. They well the only people that actually treated like family. But that does not matter what matters is what happened next. so after he put out all the fire somehow with all the fire extinguishers in the buildings and no one ever notice for some odd reason he kept walking to the shelter the shelter was his school. But now his skin was like pale and dark not the same as it was like he's been dead for 798 years. but then he hears a voice that is very quiet it gets louder and louder just getting closer to him but he saw no one around them. But then he realizes that it is coming from is mind. It was the dragon, sources of speaking to him through his mind." Why are you naked don't you know how to use your powers yet."said dovakin. "Oh well you gotta to just use your power if you breathe out fire just the right amount you can make yourself clothes all together again. Ain't that cool you probably can do just to anything with your powers." So he did do what dovakhiin asked him to do and suddenly his clothes appeared out of thin air and put them on quickly ran to school and slept.
note that chapter 2 will take a while for me to make but it's going to be good!!;-) I promise