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I was only 9 at the time, but I remember every detail clearly. I had just come back from running an errand for my mother, and the sight I saw still scars me till this day. The smell of fire arose in the air. My entire village burnt to a crisp and being the curious soul I was, I ran into the house where I lived and found what I had sought. My family lay dead on the floor and the culprit was not too far away. My entire village, my friends , family, all gone due to this stranger.

The black cloak along with his emotionless face are two things I could never forget, along with the name ,"Ichikiya Kazikayee". Little did I know that he was 'The Dark Ruler' but what I knew was that he was the one who wiped out my kind and made me ,'Kaito Sashehano', the last of the Sashehanos, the clan long forgotten.

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