The Game: Part 1, WTF?

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I am slowly getting more and more tired and I can feel myself getting closer to being asleep. The constant scrolling and gazing at the internet has been lulling me to sleep for the past few hours. I look at the clock only to see it is 2 am. “ One more hour, I swear I can make it one more hour” as much as I love the internet it really does interfere with my sleeping schedule. I know my parents will be angry with me for being deathly tired tomorrow because we have things to do tomorrow. I honestly forget what those things are from my tiredness and I frankly can’t even remember half of what I did 5 minutes ago. “ I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow” I accidentally think out loud, although it came out more like a grumble. “ oh that fantastic, -10 in toronto, I just love the cold” I say sarcastically.Then my eyes close and everything goes black.

“ Hey is there something wrong?” I hear an unfamiliar voice beside me. As soon as my eyes open i can see there is something definitely wrong. I do not know where I am. My face must have looked like something between drunk and horrified because the man standing beside me seemed extremely worried. All I can see in front of me is a very large city, it looks like New York, no definately New York , I am on the empire state building, how the hell did I get here, what the fuck just happened? “ Dude are you ok? Don’t be one of those pothead balcony philosophers ‘ the man says sounding worried but nonchalant. “ Who are you? What have you done to me?How did i get here?” I whip around to face him and practically scream but I am stopped by the fact I am obviously scarring him a great deal. He looks to be a very normal man in his early 20’s, slightly short for his age, and a little but if scrubble on his face with his hair a light brown.

“ Woah man I don't know who you are either I was just worried you might be sick or something, you were just staring off that guard rail for a very long time” he says trying to comfort me. then it hits me, the wave of shock, I don't know who I am either. The little bits of memories come back my name is Daniel Avler. I live in Toronto ,Canada. I am 20 years old. And my phone is buzzing in my pocket like a nest of fucking bees what the hell.

As i read the onslaught of texts are coming in all i notice is that they are all the same.

“ WELCOME TO THE SYSTEM, YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO HAVE A CHOICE, PROTOCOL 3 IS IN EFFECT, GAME 1 HAS STARTED, GOOD LUCK. “ ahhhh, you are one of those pothead philosophers. Weird games you guys play, making each other wake up in random places.” he giggled as he looked over my shoulder to read my phone. “ I am NOT A FUCKING POTHEAD, I AM CONFUSED, SCARED, AND THIS ISNT EVEN MY PHONE” I shout at him but I stop because of the puppy dog eyes he is giving me. “ Just text your friends or something nonapotheadguy, what is your name anyways? Once you gain your bearingsIi can drive you as long as it isn't far” he offers. “ I am Daniel and I seriously doubt you will drive to toronto BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE I WAS LAST NIGHT and now I am here and I forget everything else about myself I don't understand what is happening ”  I am almost crying at this point, all I want to do is get home wherever that is. I think I may have family that is worried for me but I don't even remember if I have family. “ I will just bring you back to my place so you can have somewhere to think, the top of the empire state building in winter is way too cold for a confused pothead like you”

“ I AM NOT A FUCKING POT HEAD” I rant at him as he puts his hand on my arms and leads me to the elevator door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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