This Is Something to Remember

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She wasn't really dating anyone other than this boy, that she and her friend were going head and head over. She didn't want to lose him, but she thought it already happened. She cried for atleast three days. She thought he'd be the only one. Until there was this one guy that transfered to her school. His name she didn't know yet. She was hoping to get to know him, and talk to him more. Maybe he would notice her. Instead, he noticed her cousin. She got really upset, and thought t herself "Is it because i don't wear make-up like she does?" So, that night her mother took her to the store, she bought some eyeliner, and some base. She didn't know how to use it. She never really wore make-up, it wasn't her thing. She really focused on sports, friends, and family. She never really noticed herself wearing make-up before, but i guess that had to change. When she got home, she tried to apply the eyeliner, she didn't do too bad. It actually looked perfect as her cousins, but we all know, she doesn't like beind paired to her cousin. The base she knew how to apply, it looked simple. She was ready to get noticed the next day. But, she didn't really have big breasts like others in her class, and didn't really wear big bra's. She didn't know what to do about that. So, she stuffed her bra, the best she could. It looked a little bit bigger, but she didn't want them to get noticed as much. There was another reason she didn't get noticed. She didn't wear alot of designer clothes. It seemed like her cousin wore more "Designer, high fab" clothing than she did. She really didn't know why that mattered. But, she found some clothes that looked good, like her cousins. She wore her hair pulled back everyday. She pulled her hair down, and straightened it that evening. It was "B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l" She thought to herself. She took pictures, and put them on Facebook. People commented on them, and said that she looked different, and pretty. She felt better about herself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2012 ⏰

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