ιт ∂σєѕ мαттєя

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It all seemed like a blur now. It had happened so fast. Just as Zen had predicted Unknown had shown up at your house ready to take you or as he had threatened to simply kill you. What a scary thought.. You may have freed yourself from his arms, but if Zen hadn't shown up you wouldn't have escaped for long. Speak of the devil you saw him walk into the room. Thankfully he saved you once more, this time from your own thoughts that couldn't seem to last when Zen walked over to you, a cup of tea in his hands.
Jaehee had texted you not that long ago her worry very apparent. She had recommend that Zen make you some tea-- Violet Tea actually. Your heart had skipped a beat. To see Jaehee so worried about you. For a while you had thought she had it out for you, especially once you had started talking to Zen. She was a good woman, and very pre--! You could feel your face begin to warm up as your mind began to wander again.
"Here you go, Babe," Zen held the tea out to you a shy smile on his face. It was cute. Of course he was probably one of the most handsome people on this side of the planet. As everyone kept saying. As Jaehee kept insisting. You ground your teeth together before the thought passed once more. Sitting up on the bed you took the cup from him, offering a cute smile that he began to coo about. "You shouldn't look so cute [y/n] when you're alone with a man like me~!" He winked at you as you set the cup on his night stand. "Unless that's what you're trying to do," his voice dropped to whisper as he leaned towards you. You were too unsure for this, so you quickly bridged the gap between the two of you wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. This was more comfortable for you than the idea of kissing him right now.
"Thank you for everything Zen." He loosely wrapped his arms around you chuckling he seemed a bit surprised. After a few moments you both let go of each other. "Do you think it's safe for me to go back home now?" The pause on home for once wasn't too long, that apartment was beginning to feel like the place you belonged.
He looked conflicted. It wouldn't be good to add to his issues by causing a new scandal while he was dealing with Echo Girl, but sending you back to the place you almost got killed? "I want to protect you [y/n]!" You stared back at him blankly at the sentence. "I won't stop you from going home though... Can I drop you off at least?" At this you smiled grabbing his hand as you nodded.

The ride back to your house was silent. Thankfully he had chosen to use his car, and not his motorcycle. However, it made the quiet seem even louder. There was no wind stealing your words just tense silence. The car was just coming to a stop as your phone began to ring. "Thank you so much Zen! I have to take this, but I'll message you later." He watched you closely answering with a cheesy line about being your knight in shining armor so to call him if you were in trouble, and to message him soon.
You had pressed the answer button as soon as the door to the car closed behind you, bringing the phone to your ear. "[y/n] are you okay? Are you still with Zen?" It was Jaehee. The worry in her voice made your heart beat faster than you were used to. "[y/n]? Hello? Please answer me."
"Sorry. I'm okay I promise. Everyone has helped me so much, I feel much better," was it better to lie like this? You didn't want to worry anyone even more it wouldn't be fair to them. "Zen just dropped me off at the apartme-"
Jaehee immediately cut you off in a stern voice. "You can't be alone tonight! What was he thinking, how irresponsible of him." You had never heard her disagreeable about anything Zen had done before. "Please meet me somewhere, [y/n]."
"Actually, I asked him to take me home," you gently corrected. There was no point in letting her be mad at Zen. The thought of Jaehee being upset about anything that made her happy hurt you. "I don't want to trouble anyone I promise you I am fine. Thank you for worrying."


How could Zen do something like this! He had said he would protect her. To save the person you were interested in, then to let them leave so soon. It confused her, being so mad about this, but it would feel even less natural to be passive right now. "Please meet me somewhere,[y/n]." She would take care of her then. Someone needed to she reasoned.
"Actually, I asked him to take me home." She listened in stunned silence. This had to be something to do with shock. [Y/n] couldn't be feeling well. Jaehee could hardly listen to her say anything else. "Where's the nearest restaurant to your address. I don't care where it is, I'll meet you there. I don't know where Rik-.. your apartment is still, and I don't know if I am allowed to know so please do me a favor and cooperate. I do not want to have to beg Luciel or ask Zen." She finished in a very resolute voice very ready to contact either one of the two men if you continued to be reluctant.
Static silence from your end. A second to long for Jaehee to feel comfortable. Just as she was going to call out to you again, you spoke up. "Do you know where the twenty-four hour coffee shop is? It's really close, and very nice. I can meet you there." Jaehee let out a relieved breath.
"It's the only twenty four hour coffee shop in the city. We must live very close [y/n]," she observed. Jaehee stopped at the shop , White Camellia, every morning on her way to work. "Please get there quickly, I will be worried if you aren't there when I arrive." After a quick conformation, and goodbye Jaeehee set the phone down. Without having noticed during the call Jaehee could tell she had begun to shake. It was odd, but she felt nervous. The other girl even though she had pursued Zen, had always been kind to her. Even when she had been suspicious of her. Even when she continuously tried to get her to stay away from Zen. Jaehee had become quiet fond of her over the past week. Always so kind to her, and everyone. The group hadn't been so lively in a long time. Clutching the phone against her chest for a moment she closed her eyes trying to calm down.

ιт ∂σєѕ мαттєя [Jaehee x MC]Where stories live. Discover now