To be honest I'm not much different then you. I'm human just like you and we all have at least one secret that we are scared of telling anyone. Even if you aren't afraid of that secret your scared that others will change there image of you if you tell them. My secret wasn't like that my secret scared me. Like all secrets it's impossible to hide it forever. Someone will find out and cause others to know. Mabey you were surprised no one treated you different or you found people hated you because you didn't tell them. When my secret got out the fear I saw in the eyes of the people closest to me scared me and even the people that weren't close to me were scared half to death my teachers my friends all slowly left me and it became taboo to even say my name.
This story starts two months after I was born in a kingdom very far away from here and few people even know it exists.
Valcia Hansford
FantasyShe was born in a land unknown to humans and during an attack she was forced to live among humans not knowing her orgins and no clue she isn't human.