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Under the deep dark canvas,

Neverending, as it stretched up there;

Conveyed a secretive forbidden tale

Of two hearts thumping against each other.

Near the hem of the horizon,

Down the spine of the spring scented sky,

In the moonlit unknown roads,

Tremours of fidelity were being held up high.

Irradicating the evil from all thats pure,

Over and over their hopes were turning into ashes;

Not every passion is good for the bosom,

And the day and night never matches.

Love is not love when it starts to burn your soul,

Leaving you alone when you need it most;

You whine and mourn but there's nothing but a gaping hole.

Thank you for reading :)
Tell me your opinions,maybe?

I've published another book which is basically a collection of four line poetries 💜
It would be great if you check them out 😊
You won't be disappointed :)

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