chapter 19

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I was looking at a huge ship with no people on the ship other thab me and mikey

SM: Oh may god!!!!! This is great.Thank you

I smile and hug him

Mikey: Your welcome baby

He whispers in my ear

Mikey: Are you hungry

I nod

Mikey: Come with me

He took my hand and showed into the most fancy room with a table for two and diamond shadeler.

Mikey: sit down

He pull out a chair for me

We ate something i did not know but it was real nice.

After dinner we went for a walk around the ship.Hand in hand

I yawn

Mikey: Your tired

SM: Yeah I should go home

Mikey: No stay here there are bed rooms in this ship

SM: Ok let me text my mom


Stay with mikey on his SHIP for the night see u in the morning.

»end of message«

I went to one of the rooms with mikey.

I took of my cloths wearing only my bra and underwear.

I crawled into bed with Mikey beside and he was just wearing his boxsers.

I lean on his his chest and fall into a deep sleep.

In the morning

I the morning i felt horrible.

I was laying on the ground.

I was still half naked

I sat up and looked around.

I couldn't belive but all over the ground were......

Loads of girls were laying on the ground.

I tried to wake one of them up but they were all out cold.

I ran to the door and try to open it.

I was locked. What was going on???

I start bagging on the door and shouting.

"LET ME OUT. I said over and over again.

Finally some one came to the door .

I backed away and some one came through the door.....

It was mikey and a bunched of other guy.

Mikey: So you finally woke up


I shouted.

He laughs

I look at him confussed

Mikey: Well my plan is.....


Sorry it is so short and I haven't updsted in a while my parent have been taking my laptop. *groan*

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