this girl named yandere loves this guy and would do anything for him and his name is senpai. and if any other girls like some love senpai yandere would deal with them.
It was September 1st 2016 first day of high school and the best part is I was going to see senpai. I secretly have a big crush on him I will do anything for him. He is my Senpai nobody else's if anybody trying to take him away from me I will.
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I was getting ready for English class. Senpai doesn't notice me though he never really does but I always notice him hopefully one day he will notice me. I was so happy I was about to see senpai. I see senpai BUT I SAW HIM WITH ANOTHER GIRL!. When I saw him with another girl I was ready to kill her. I was so mad and sad but mostly mad I will destroy her name is Valerie and I hate her she should be next to my senpai. That's my Senpai nobody else's now I'm going to make a plan up to KILL HER. The bell rang I was getting ready for English class I went into class and we had our assigned seats and the worst part was Valerie and Senpai were next to each other. The teacher was talking about something about English but I wasn't paying attention because I don't care the teachers are so annoying hopefully I'll kill her one day. Next we are going to math class Senpai wasn't in that class but Valerie was so I said hi to Valerie and she said hi back and then I said hey could you come to the bathroom with me I need to tell you something secretive but I really do need to tell her anything I just need to get her alone so nobody else can see what I'm going about to do she said okay. We were about to go to the girls bathroom then I saw some other girls there so I knew this would work out. Valerie's best friend was in the girls bathroom. And her name is Stephanie but I can't have any Witnesses I need to have just me and Valerie alone so I can hid my crime secretly. I was getting my makeup done before I was going to talk to Valerie and Valerie was talking to Stephanie saying that she is going to kiss him at the right moment probably after school she said to Stephanie I'm not really dumb I'm just pretending to be dum so that I will come to my house after school and teach me about math he's so hot. Right when she said that I really wanted to just kill her. The bell rang I couldn't even get a chance to kill her. I went to gym and I saw senpai I blushed my heart was pounding with you until I saw the bitch Valerie. We were playing basketball I was the worst at that but senpai was the best at basketball I love him so much every year we take our class pictures and every year I get a yearbook and I keep some pies picture in my diary and keep writing about how much I love him. Senpai and we were on the same team I was so so happy Valerie is on the other team yes. We were playing basketball and I threw the ball and I hit Valerie in the face I was so happy I did it on purpose but I prenend I did it I did it by accident. Then Valerie had to go to the bathroom so I said I had to go to this was my chance to get her alone. Before I went to the bathroom I went in the school kitchen when nobody was looking I grabbed a knife. Valerie was washing her hands nobody was in the bathroom and I had the knife. I grab the knife out and then I had my chance and I was about to kill her but she saw me so I hid the knife right away I should kill her even if she saw me because she wouldn't have any weapons but I sorry Stephanie that idiot she's always coming when Valerie is anywhere you like follows her around like she's a little puppet. Valerie left but Stephanie was there still in the bathroom send Stephanie keep coming in and bothering me I had no choice I got my knife and nobody was looking so I killed her and next IT'S VALERIE!.
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