Welcome To Piccolo-ness!

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Each chapter will consist of a picture, an ask, dare, or one shot. And of course, you can ask me things to!

Guess who I have here with us! *shoves Piccolo out into spotlight*

Piccolo: I didn't agree to this...

Me:Doesn't matter! You're here! Say hi to all the fangirls and fanboys!

Piccolo: F-fangirl? F-fanboy? What?


Piccolo: Hi...?

Me: Yaaay!! Okay. I'll add the oneshots, but they won't be the same. Piccolo will annotate them! So watch out for his comments!

Piccolo: No I won't!

Me: *glares daggers; has a Saiyan Mafia and some intense fangirls behind me*

Piccolo: ...I guess that might be fun, on second thought...

Me: Alright X-fighters. I'll keep the annotations in the comments, but I CAN'T respond to comments, Wattpad won't let me. I'll respond to anything in the next chapter! See ya soon! SAY BYE, PICCOLO!

Piccolo: Bye.

Piccolo-ness! With Piccolo!Where stories live. Discover now