When the sun set, they stayed. When the clouds shrouded the once bright sky, they stayed. Even when light shone directly over them, the shadow people stayed.
Only to be seen during the day, they loom, loom through the night, trapped in the mountains, their laughter vibrating to the core of the earth. It was a curse, a really quite dreadful one, thought only to be folklore. After all the village woman who always told the children to stay away was a bit of a basket case.
They were only children, a pair of siblings, well, at least the most recent quarry. Exploring the cliffs and mountains just a bit more than they should have, their curiosity still, even now, lingering in the air.
"Hey look Kara, I'm at the edge and nothing's happened. I guess the old crazy witch back in the village was wro-"
And then there was a gust of wind pushing him back over the edge and of course his sister rushed to where his figure had once been, looking oh so desperately for him only to suffer the same fate just moments later.
Now, now, don't think this to be too gruesome. The children didn't die. No, they were just transported in a way, into the mountain. but they weren't the only ones trapped in the mountain, bound to it for eternity. No, there were dozens, hundreds, a tribe of shadows trapped inside the mountain. There the shadow people stayed.
They didn't feel pain anymore. They didn't feel love anymore. They didn't feel emotions. Trapped, only watching life pass as they remained ageless within the rocks.
So, no matter how tempting it is, how alluring the idea of testing fate is, don't go to Shadow's Cliff, at least not when the sun's out, at least not when you have a shadow.
Unless of course you'd like to join the shadow people. Would you?