Morning After (Niall Horan)

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Okay Heyy :), I'm Radica, this is my first time doing this, comment and tell me what you think. If you have any ideas of what I can write about next put it in the comments. I take requests for One Direction and Janoskians imagines and yeah that's about it, enjoy and follow me on twitter @SweetNJanos

I woke up with my head pounding, that can happen when you and your boyfriend are yelling at each other at the top of your lungs like some kind of competition the night before.

You see I had a terrible day at school yesterday, I found out I am on the verge of failing one of my classes, I forgot my wallet at home so I couldn't buy anything to eat and to top it all off some idiot spilled their coffee on me.

I was hoping that when I got home my boyfriend Niall would have dinner almost ready since he was home all day, but I was wrong. When I got home he was playing video games and the dishes from his breakfast and last nights dinner were still in the sink.

He turned his head to me but still looking at the tv smiled and said "Hey babe what's for dinner?"

You have got to be kidding me he has the nerve to ask me, ME what I am making for dinner.

"What do you mean what am I making for dinner, I just had the worst day of my life and you expect me to make you dinner like I'm some kind of maid"

"Woah, calm down-" I swore something inside me snapped, never tell me to calm down when I'm upset.

"Don't you tell me to calm down! All you fucking do is play fucking video games and go out, I'm the one who takes care of this place. When was the last time you fucking cooked or clean" he stood up came over to me and yelled

"Don't yell at me I fucking pay for most of these things in this flat. I can do what I want!"

"MOST KEY WORD MOST I pay for things too but money isn't the problem here. Would it kill you to do something"

"Would it kill you to not be a bitch" he yelled at my face coming so close that I was pressed up against the wall. That actually hurt I couldn't believe he just said that to me.

"I am not being a bitch, but you are being a fucking pig" I pushed him away from me to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going we're finishing this." I never seen him this angry, it was actually starting to scare me.

"No, we are not now let go" I said while struggling to get out of his grip which was getting tighter.

"Yes we are"

"No, now let go you're hurting me" and with that my free hand made contact with his face. I never hit him before but then again we never got this mad at each other either.

With that he let go of me and I ran for the bedroom locking the door before I collapse on the bed and started to cry. I heard the front door slam shut and the car pull off. I was so angry and hurt that I ended up crying my self to sleep and slept through the whole night.

Now I'm looking for something to take for this headache. I found the Advil but I also found my reflection which isn't pretty. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. After I was done I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a crop top. I went to unlock the door to find it was already unlocked. I guess he came in last night to change or have a shower or something.

Whatever. I walked into the kitchen to see all the dishes washed and breakfast on the table. I looked in the living room to see Niall watching tv once he saw me he got up. "(y/n), I am so sorry, Luke Brooks called to tell you that there was a problem with the grades you didn't fail that class. He also told me about someone spilling their coffee on you and that you forgot your wallet. I didn't know how upset you were and the fact that I was home all day and asking you to make me dinner I can see why you got upset"

"Ni- " I felt bad for letting out all my anger on him.

"And you're not a bitch nor do you act like one I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry about grabbing you I never meant to hurt you I love you so much" he looked like he was about to start crying.

"Ni breathe" I wrapped my arms around his neck. "It's okay, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I let out all of my anger on you. I should have talked to you about cleaning calming instead of yelling at you and I'm sorry that I hit you I can't believe I did that," I spoke quietly while gently rubbing the red mark on his cheek that was fading away. "I love you too"

His face lit up once I said those words, which made me smile.

"Look" he said while pulling into the kitchen. "I made breakfast and washes the dishes"

"It looks delicious"

"Lets eat before it gets cold" Niall said while pulling out my chair. I sat down and started to pour out my orange juice when the bottle slipped out of my hand and it spilled all over me.


"Are you sure the person spilled their coffee on you or did you spill it yourself" he said while laughing his ass off.

"Shut up Ni this isn't funny" holding my laughter I have to admit it was a little funny.

"Oh yes it is"

"Niall, baby I want a hug" I said while getting up to hug him with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Oh no don't touch me you're covered in oj"

"HUG ME" I chased him around the flat until I finally tackle him hugging him tightly so that some of the orange juice got on him.

When we finally stopped laughing he looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately "I love you (y/n)" "I love you too Niall"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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