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I bounce up and down on the spot, adjusting my curly deep brown, coffee coloured hair from shoulder to shoulder. I shake out my hands and take a deep breath before bounding foreword in lengthly steps towards the cafe door.

The little bell above me ting-a-lings and my nerves rush to my head. I stop for a brief second, swallow my nerves and make my way to the man over in the far corner of the cafe.

I grab the chair and he glances up from his phone at me. I smile and pull the metal chair outwards. It screeches across the ground making the whole cafe shudder and cringe. I'd be surprised if this boy is even still into me.

I give him a 'well-that-was-stupid-of-me' face and sit down. The man across from me gives me a creepy smile and puts his phone down on the table in front of us.

Oh how I hate online dating. It's all my mum. She's complaining at how brilliant my sister is and how she's getting married in a few months. She's only 3 years older than me but her life is already so much more organised and sorted out compared to mine.

The man gestures for a waitress and orders 2 cups of hot chocolate. Don't get me wrong, I love a good hot coco but this is a date and we're 23, not 10.

We stare at each other for a few seconds before I say, "So, how's it going?".

He jumps at the chance to tell me something about himself and rambles on for a few minutes.

"I'm doing just fine, I just got promoted and I'm getting 3 times as much pay as I used to. It's so much better now, I'm not just the register guy anymore I'm actually helping with deliveries and other stuff. And guess what, I started ubering on the side as well but I haven't got any customers yet so that's not going too well and-"

I hold up my hand to stop him. "Wait, I'm sorry, what do you do, like what's your job?"

He gives he this weird look as if I should know and why don't I know. Does this guy realise I'm his tinder date or does he think I'm some sort of relative reuniting with him for Christmas?

"I work at Pizza Hut." He says, staring right at me.

I give him a little nod, at least his life is going better than mine. He looks me up and down before asking, "Wait, what do you do?"

Eh, here we go again. What should I say? Well I guess I'll never see this guy again so I guess I could just tell him.

"Well?" He impatiently complains.

I take a deep breath. "I'm, I mean I guess you could call me...uhh well, I'm a..Youtuber?"

He slams his hands down on the table and stares at me, causing the whole cafe to glare at us for the second time in 20 minutes. I slide down in my seat, trying to weak smile it off but this guys is not having it.

He lets out a weird laugh and says, "You're a Youtuber?" giving me an are-you-kidding-me look.

I roll my eyes and glare back at him, folding my arms.

"YouTube isn't a real job." He scoffs.

I get up out of my chair and grab my bag.

"No- wait I'm sorry stop." He says, trying to save whatever is between us.

I purposely screech my chair back under the table and walk over so my face is inches from his. Then I quote the gabbie show. And I scream it in his face.

"I can buy your f*cking life."

I turn and leave, letting the door drop behind me as I pranced outta there like a queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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