- N x @FayaShamoun -

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This one-shot is for FayaShamoun. I hope you like it! I do apologise if its so short and theres heaps of errors as this was written at 1.30 in the morning and I had kept you waiting... 

>>>> ♥ <<<<

N turned to see the beautiful sleeping girl next to him. He smiles to himself, Shes so beautiful. I don't deserve a precious girl like her. He thought, brushing her fringe out from her face. She stirred a little and N chuckled, watching her as she fell back into sleep.

He carefully pulled out his phone and turned the sound off to avoid waking up the girl next to him. He went through his messages, rereading the texts sent between and the girl next to him. He smiles, a light blush forming on his cheeks and butterflies in his stomach as he read some of the cheesy text messages.

It was hard being in a long distance relationship and the past week has been the first time the couple had hung out together in two years of becoming a couple.

"If I said that I wanted to kiss you, would you get shy?" - N
"You know what I'm like!" - F
"Naww... Don't be shy jaigya. :-)" - N
"S-stop N..." - F

N chuckles quietly, remembering how shy she was when they first met and started texting one another. Now, she still gets shy but its not so bad anymore. He continues to go through, eventually stopping and going through his photos. Every photo was of him smiling and she was blushing a little at the camera.

"Jaigya! Smile for me? Please?" N begged and she shook her head, unable to stop a smile from forming across her sweet lips. N chuckled and kisses her forehead tenderly. She looks up, her dark hair hiding some of her face.
"Don't hide your face. Its too beautiful to hide." N smiles, taking her hand and rubbing his tanned thumb over her soft pale skin.

A soft groan pulled N out of his trance and he turned to see his beautiful girlfriend waking up.
"Afternoon sleeping beauty." He smiles, kissing her cheek. She sleepily turns to him and snuggles closer, hugging his arm as if he would disappear. Don't worry jaigya, I won't ever leave you.

As quoted in the movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, "Beautiful things don't ask for attention." And thats what N loves about Faya.

>>>> ♥ <<<<

Despite it being short, I hope you like it!

~ Zeera

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