The Tragic Life of Cora Green

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I'm writing this because my therapist thinks it should be done. He said it will help with my grieving process. I hope he is right, because I don't want to recall her whole life and not feel better. I can't even say her name for Pete's sakes!

She is the best person I ever meet. She touched everyone's life who she was apart of. Cora green was the love of my life, and we only got to spend a year together. She had the prettiest blue eyes anyone has ever seen. Her beautiful brown locks are a whole different ball game. The way they fell perfectly curled over her shoulders to the middle of her back would make anyone extremely attracted to her.

I can still see her kicking that ball around and making goals like it was nothing. She was the best soccer player that Reitz has ever seen. She was the best captain and her whole team looked up to her. She took her team to the state championship and won flawlessly. I loved that little soccer star.

Heaven defiantly gained another angel May 13, 2011. This angle is still watching over me and I'm grateful for that. Now, sit back, relax, and grab a box of tissues because this is a tear jerker.


So this is my new book! I have looked up a lot of stuff about cancer and I want to visit cancer patents and ask them about there experience with cancer. Well, if you like it vote, comment, and follow me!


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