The Hunters & The Hunted

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I decided to stay with Selene, while Michael, went to feed his hunger. I looked at some guns that I thought about taking but the only thing that impressed me was two Lightning Hawk magnums that I decided to grab. Are you okay with being the last of your kind to be living, Selene said. I don't hold any grudges against you. You had to do what you had to do even though you had no idea you was the one being used as a pawn from a manipulated vampire elder. I do miss Raze and Lucian, though. They taught me everything I needed to know and I'm sorry that I killed some of your kind as well. I wish things were so different, I replied. Me too, Selene said. I'm glad that I'm a secondary Lycan so I can transform at will but that is not what's bothering me right now Selene. Whatever it is you can tell me, Selene said. I'm getting the feeling like someone wants us dead. Their is nothing that you should be afraid of. I'm gonna protect you, Selene told me. Thanks but I think it's time for me to do things on my own from here on out, I told her as I grabbed the two magnums and put them in my pants pockets. Why? Why what, Selene replied. When I arrived in that place with the Lycan doctor and the others why did you spare my life when you saw what my mission was, I told Selene who looked at me with a smile on her face. I couldn't bare to see a young guy such as yourself die by my hands and I also knew that when I looked in your eyes that you never wanted to kill me, Selene replied. Maybe I can enjoy my new life after all but remember that I got your back no matter what the odds, I told Selene. Selene walks to me and kiss me on my forehead which makes me blush a little. I just wish that my friends Raze and Lucian, was here to congratulate me, I told Selene. I grabbed me some mags and stashed them in my pants pockets before me and Selene, both heard gunshots from above us. Michael, must have found trouble, I told Selene. Shit, Selene said. I'll follow you, I told Selene. Be careful, Selene replied as we both went up and started to split. I spotted three guys who were dressed up in wintery like clothes and carrying guns. I wanted to kill one so damn bad but it would draw more bloodshed so I decided to just stalk up closer to them as quick as I could but I only managed to defeat one because of Selene's quickness. Damn it Selene, I said to her. Sorry, Selene replied. Damn Michael. Your messed up, I said to Michael, who just layed on the ground with bullet wounds. Here, Selene, said to Michael, as she put her arm in his face. No, Michael told her. Hurry or your gonna die, Selene told him. It's either now or never, I told Michael, as I looked around our surroundings. I felt something evil coming our way but I didn't know what it could be. After Selene, finished giving Michael the medicine that he needed, we started to get away until a winged creature found us. The guys we were fighting left like the creature was after them. I realised that that was what I was sensing earlier and I dared not to fight it so I backed back a distance away as I remembered who he was which gave me a cold chill up my spine. I listened as Marcus, conversated to Selene. Get back Howard, Selene told me before Marcus, choked her against a tree with his intension of biting her until me and Michael Corvin, grabbed our guns and shot at him multiple times which stunned him with enough time for me, Selene and Michael, to escape. We came across a truck that me and Michael, jumped in front of and stopped. Whatever Selene, said to the driver must have convinced him to get the hell out of the truck so we could borrow it. Get in, Selene told me and Michael Corvin. Right, I said. I got in the passenger side while Michael, jumped in the back to confront Marcus, who was coming for us. We started moving thanks to Selene, but I didn't think of using one of my magnum's until Marcus, shoved Michael, into the window behind us that scared the fuck out of me. Everything was going well until Selene, started shooting him which didn't bother me until he decided to come on my side. Get down, Selene told me with a serious look on her face. I was planning that, I replied back to Selene, as I got low as I could. It wasn't long before Marcus, shoved his damn head through the passenger window. He was aiming for Selene, so I did the one thing that came to my mind. I pulled out one of my magnum's and shot him in his chest multiple times which gave Selene, the idea of ramming Marcus, against the rocks nearby which caused him to scream out in pain before he tumbles on the road like a wolfbat that he is. That's what the fuck you get asshole, I yelled out hoping Marcus, heard it. I switched places with Michael Corvin. Excellent teamwork you two, Michael said to us. Don't give us all the credit Michael, I told Michael. Thanks, Selene told Michael. What is it that Marcus, wants from you Selene, besides blood, I asked Selene. I don't really know but I am gonna find out, Selene replied. Things just keep get better and better, I said to myself as I shook my head. I realised that we were getting off course and I knew why as I felt the sun shine against my face. Howard, get down, Michael told me before we crashed in a unknown building. Lucky nobody was living here, I said to myself as I looked around the place. We should find something to cover up these window, Michael told me. I'm on it, I told him as I begun searching for something to use for covering windows until I came across multiple containers of black paint. Bingo. I found some black paint, I told Michael, who rushed over after he placed a cover over Selene. Good work, Michael said. I'm just doing my job, I replied. Me and Michael, worked ourselves into a lot of paint containers that we threw up on the windows until their was nothing more to cover up. I'm hungry. Their is probably something in the fridge that I can fix for us, I told Michael, who went back to where Selene, was. As I arrived at the fridge and started searching for something to fix, I peeked around the fridge door and saw Michael and Selene, kissing each other multiple times before things got a little to freaky. I passed out when I saw Selene, come out of her black uniform. When I woke up I saw Selene, looking at me holding the same object that my former boss Lucian, used to wear around his neck and probably the same thing that Marcus, wants as well but for what purpose I do not know. What's the matter, I asked Selene. I'm starting to wonder why this artifact is important, Selene said. Did you two have fun, I asked Selene. We did, Selene said with a smile on her face. What is our next move, Selene, I told her. Tanis, Selene said as she walked over to her black outfit and grabbed it. I'm going with you every step of the way, I told Selene, before I walked outside to help Michael, unload a jeep. Is she okay, Michael asked. I'm not so sure, I said. Selene walks outside and tells me and Michael, that we have someone to meet.

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