On My Own

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Chapter One

Janet paused, and then laid a single rose on the grave that read "Kevin Michael Baxter, February 2, 1986 -January 14, 1994." It was a huge shock that her older brother died and now she doesn't know what to do with her life. As she ran away a tear dripped down her face and she brushed it away with the back of her hand. When her brother died her face sunk and she thought of all the miserable things that were going to happen.

Janet ran all the way home and slammed the door behind her. Janet came into the kitchen for a glass of water only to find a lone sticky note on the counter. She picked it up and read "Dear Janet, I am truly sorry but we had to leave. It has been so sad since your brother died, we just had to. We have decided to forget about the past and move on. We are going to start a new family! I have left you a ton of food and a lot of money. You can make your own choices now since we have left. Wish you the best of luck. Love, Jessica and Bill." Janet stood there speechless wondering what to do. Now she definitely knew her life was going to be miserable.

Chapter Two

Janet woke up the next morning. Her head was in a whirl. She stumbled down the stairs kitchen and looked in the cupboards. Janet wasn't hungry at all, but she wanted to know what she had left. Jessica did pack all the money and food she promised. After Janet was satisfied she went into to the living room to watch T.V.

She thought that might boost her spirits, but it didn't. She was debating on whether to go to an adoption center, but decided against it. Janet then went into the bathroom to find an unexpected sight!

Her whole bathroom looked like a tornado had just come through. Janet ran down the stairs and looked at the note. There was a worried look on her face. She had seen her parents signature probably a million times. This one was different though. Jessica hadn't put a heart over the I and Bill hadn't put a star over his. Another thing she noticed was why the neighbors haven't come over to check on her family. Her parents did tell them her brother had died.

Chapter Three

Janet ran over to her neighbors house knocked on their door with all her might. Janet listened for an answer but nothing came. Everything was dead silent all around her as her head pounded trying to thin of what to do. She decided to knock again, but with that came no hope. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest and she was so scared. Janet ran back home to find another unexpected sight.

She walked back in with tears streaming down her face. Her heart feels like it has been ripped right out of her chest. Janet looked up to see a tall man standing in her living room. "Who are you and why are you in my house." Janet exclaimed.

"Why, I am your worst nightmare sweetheart. Trust me this is only the beginning." the man said and then just like he appeared he was gone. In his place Janet found another sticky note.

She picked it up and read

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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