Dear Diary,
I am but an old decrepit woman, with partial sight and hearing, why do they think i'm a witch??? I can barely walk....I believe in spirits and make clay figures, that does not make me a witch. I once thought that Matthew Hopkins was a kind man trying to help the world, but now I know he is a vicious person with no true personality that cares about nothing but money.
He came and dragged me away, then stripped me to look for marks on my body, they found my birthmark on my back and told me I was a witch, he then trialled me through sleep deprivation yesterday and it was the worst day of my life, walking, walking, walking. The soldiers marching beside me, shouting at me to confess, in the end I gave up, admitted I was a witch, just so I could get some rest, my eyelids felt so heavy, I thought they would hit the floor.
Mister Hopkins said I would be faced with another trial later, but I don't know how much later, I do hope he means in a week so I have a bit longer to live, as I have a feeling he is going to kill me, I confess to being a witch but now I think about, I wish I hadn't. He didn't tell me what the trial is going to be but I overheard him saying to another guard that it is trial by water, but I don't know what that means, I guess i'll just have to wait and judging by the sleep deprivation, it's not going to be good. Perhaps that's what he did to my friend Elizabeth, he drowned her, then said she wasn't a witch, it was too late by then. I hope I don't end up like her........
I hope he lets me go soon, atleast lets me live,
Alison Reid