The Perfect Sister.

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I met my "sister" on September 14th 2010. Ever since that day we've been best friends. Her name is Meagan Sanchez. Oh yea, and I'm Lynn Serrelta. Now were in 8th grade and the worst thing ever happened. But before I get there....let me start from the begginning.

Summber before 6th grade-

    I was walking with my bff(ex-bff now) Samara,around my block. She was dating a kid, named Chris, and he used to hang out with Meagan. Samara didn't like that. She wanted to fight Meagan and all this stuff. Then about a week later, me and Samara got in a big argument. I was mad at her so i told her i saw Chris at the park with a girl( i think i did?). Samara was angry and broke up with him.


     The 2nd or 3rd day of 6th grade was September 14th. Thats when Meagan walked into the class. She sat at my table. I started to talk to her saying I remembered her. She was actually really nice. After a month or so, we were best friends. People say we look alike, because we both have brown hair thats curlyish. Her hair was darker than mine, and mine was more curly. She had bluish eyes, and some freckles. We looked sort-of alike though. Thats how we became "sisters". We did basically everything together, like best friends do. You know, the basics. All throughout 6th grade. But in the middle-end of 6th grade, I found out Meagan was moving to New Jersey. I was so happy for her, but also upset. She wouldn't be able to go to the Junior High School anymore, and what if we drifted apart?  She was moving August 20th.So we still continued the rest of the year, cried the last day, but in the summer before she moved, we did alot. We went to the zoo with my dad, I slept over her house, ( she had slept over mine in March for my bday) we went to the park ALOT and climbed a big fence. I was scared at first. We used to go on a swing and she would stand on my legs while I sat and we'd swing. Fun times! Then i found out the day she was moving, I'd have to be in NJ with MY family. I wouldnt be able to see her drive away! Soon the day came, and I was in NJ, texting Meagan, and she had been crying. I did a little too, I would barely see her now. We promised each other we'd be best friends forever. Then she said that they had started driving to their new home, far far away from mine.

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