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Perri was small to say the least. At 13 and 5' he was the perfect target for bullies. He was skinny with big glasses doesn't like to talk and he danced. To say the least, at school, most boys beat him up rather often.
Perri usually brushed it off, he had the diversity boys who where friends with him he could deal with school for a few hours a day.
But today was different, today things got a little out of hand.

It was last period and Perri had just stepped out to go the the bathroom and on his way back to class he was grabbed. One arm wrapped around his middle lifting him off the ground the other hand covering his mouth. He kicked out his legs hitting the assailants shins who in turn tightened his grip around Perri's ribs until the small boy went limp in his arms from the bruising grip. Perri was dragged back into the bathroom where three more boys stood waiting he was thrown on the ground where he immediately curled into a ball and wrapped his hands up over his face protecting his head face and ribs. The boys laughed but Perri didn't move aside from tensing further. The boys started kicking him Perri bit the inside of his cheek until it bled to keep from crying out.
One of the boys humphed then said "he's no fun today".
The others agreed before walking out.
Perri remained in his spot for a few more minutes before uncurling, whimpering as his back straitened feeling pain down his spine and his bruised ribs. He slowly got up and by the time he was standing and able to walk the bell rang he hobbled back to his classroom to grab his books thanking God that no one was in the room to ask him what happened.
He walked out of the school as quickly as he could sticking to the masses of kids to avoid being singled out. From there he walked directly to the studio for rehearsal. He walked in and grimaced when he saw the matts set up because that meant acrobatics. Throwing his stuff to the side he walked over to the boys who where already there sitting in a circle. He sat down between Ashley and Jordan and immediately laid his head down on Jordan's lap who gave him a funny look but didn't say anything just pet his hair and let the boy fall into a light sleep before everyone got there.
Ashley noticing he was really asleep said  "Jordan does he a have a fever or anything he loves acro days" Jordan felt Perri's head and it felt fine so he shook his head and shrugged. Once all the boys where there Ashley and Jordan took on the task of trying to wake the boy up.
"Pel, come on buddy gotta get up" Jordan said shaking his shoulder. Perri curled further wrapping his torso around Jordan's crossed legs.
Ashley sighed before bending down to shake Perri again. Perri wrapped his arms around Jordan's stomach and snuggled into his leg. The boys all chuckled. Ashley grabbed Perri's stomach and pulled him up. Perri yelped and was suddenly wide awake clinging to Ashley like a scared monkey. The boys laughed and Perri gingerly set himself on the floor pouting. The sleep thing was concerning but that was just the start to a rough day. Perri was really unfocused the whole rehearsal he tripped a few times and hesitated before doing anything and when he did a back hand spring he crumpled to the ground with a loud, pain filled, yelp. He curled into himself and his body shook lightly from the pain. The music stopped and terry who was right next to Pel scooped him up and cradled him shushing him soothingly.
"What's a matter Pel?" Terry asked.
"H-hurts" he whimpered.
"What hurts?" Jordan asked.
Perri didn't answer just covered his ribs and curled further.
Ashley took Perri out of Terry's arms and walked him over to he couch in the back and laid him down. Perri stayed curled into a ball and whimpered when Ash pushed him to lay flat.
"Just let me check your ribs" Ashley said gently lifting up his shirt.
There were a few gasps as the boys looked at Perri's torso which was covered in deep purple bruises.
"Pel we are gonna take you to the hospital."
Ashley ignored his protests and lifted the boy like a toddler  settling him on his hip. Perri buried his face in the taller boys shoulder.
"Alright boys, I think we're all done for the day...ill see you all tomorrow morning." Ashley said before walking out closely followed by Jordan who was carrying Perri's book bag and coat. Jordan crawled in the back seat and took Perri out of Ashley's arms, mindful of his injured torso , and laid him out on the backseat with Perri's head on his lap. Ash sat in the drivers seat and drove the short distance to the hospital.
When they got there Ashley carried Perri to the emergency room where they ended up waiting. Perri fell asleep on ash's lap about a half hour before a nurse came over. They boys woke Perri up and carried him to a room where he got an x-ray. Afterwords the diversity members were ushered into a small emergency room for Perri to wait for a doctor and the x-rays.
The beds down here didn't adjust and Perri's couldn't lay flat so he sat between ash's legs and used his chest as a pillow. He was nearly asleep again when the doctor came in. Ashley pushed him forward at his hips and helped Perri take off his shirt. Jordan held his hand rubbing the back softly every time he gasped or whimpered when the doc poked a bruise.
"Alright we just need to wrap your ribs and then we'll give you something for the pain. You have a lot of bruising and two cracked ribs. No high physical excursion for at least 3 weeks. And ease back into moving you'll be stiff until the pain goes away completely." The doctor said.
Ashley nodded paying close attention as he knew Perri probably wasn't even sure of where he was.
Jordan and Ash had to literally hold the small acrobat upright as he was nearly passing out from the pain while getting his ribs wrapped. When the doctor finished perri slumped back into Ashley's chest and didn't even notice when the doctor poked him with a morphine needle. A few minutes later Perri let out a little moan of relief and went completely limp.
"Just keep a close watch on him for the next week or so I'll give him a note to excuse him from school for a few days. Also here are some high intensity pain killers for the next two days after that there is a high dosage pain reliever that will make him less drowsy and or confused. He should be on those for about a month and his ribs get rewrapped everyday for three weeks."
"Ok" ash said. He glanced down at Perri who was sitting on the bed being held upright by Jordan.
After a few more minutes of the doctor explaining how to wrap ribs and when to distribute medicine. After that the boys were free to leave. Ashley picked up Perri like a toddler which made the drugged boy giggle sleepily. By the time they got to the car Perri was masleep. Jordan once again cradled the tiny boy in the backseat while Ashley drove home.
Back at the banjo house the three boys made their way up a small flight of stairs to the guest room. Jordan carried Perri this time and he waited for ash to pull back the covers before settling the little one down. They took off his shoes, jeans, and button down shirt leaving him in his boxers and one of the Banjo boy's big comfy t-shirts. It took him a minute but Ashley eventually got Perri's glasses off and put them on the nightstand in an easy to reach place.
"Ash I'm gonna get changed I'll be right back" jordan said rushing off.
Ashley shook Perri until he woke up a little and giggled. He mumbled "St-p. Ti-les" (stop tickles).
"Hey Pel you back at ours." Ashley said softly while rubbing the boys head.
"Ash?" He mumbled.
"Yeah buddy it's me and Jord."
Jordan had just walked back in in plaid cotton pj pants.
"J-d" he mumbled again rolling to the side a little before demanding "cuddle".
The banjo brothers smiled at each other before Jordan slid into the bed Perri immediately slid into his side with a content sigh.
Ashley looked on fondly with a small giggle before rubbing Perri's hair and saying "night Pel".
The boy was already fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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