I lay in bed, enveloped in dreams of wonder and beauty, of images so surreal I believed I could reach out and touch them. My dream catcher caught any dark twists or turns and buried them away, little wisps and snatches, to be wound into a spiders of web of mystery, a thing of dark beauty. The colours of my dreams; so vivid, so magnificent, the buildings so detailed, the people so happy, their laughing faces, a perfect snapshot.
Sometimes I watched from above, seeing a story unravel, like a bird flying by absentmindedly, or a god watching from up high- with the power to change the events. Or then I was in the story, delighted and glorious, content and in awe, with faces that seemed so familiar, though no one I knew was like that at all, or a friend, who true to fact, in the other world, I disliked, or maybe even a celebrity- who in this turn of events fitted in perfectly, made complete sense, though would confuse me when I awoke.
Like living two lives at once; when my eyelids closed I awoke into the other world, like the passing between two realms, as easy as slipping through a veil of silk. In one the other life was a 'dream', and nothing more, just something that mused through your memories as you slept, and then in the other, the second life was nothing at all- not mentioned, not thought of, not cared about, until you were stirring so again.
No matter if you were desperate not too, you were too happy right then, a climax of events maybe, you had to slip through that veil at some point that day.
I enjoyed the 'dream' life best, it could be easy going sometimes, or a fast-paced mystery at others, almost always different people, but it was never questioned, they were still friends. Always different adventures, with different parts of the other life occurring in between, like they were so close sometimes they merged into one another by accident. 'Dream' was most definitely the best, no doubt about it, and I hated being plucked from it, and so when the realism of it faded and flashed from my view, I awoke into 'Reality' so called; 'Reality' - My Nightmare.