Unforeseen Shades Duo

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  I wake up to a disturbing sound that's coming from downstairs. Sheesh, are they at it again? I frown and glance at the clock to see what time it is.

  I rub my eyes and yawn for a while as I try to find a comfortable position. Minutes later, darkness covers my vision and a few seconds later, I fall asleep. I'm staring at a man, and it looks like he's chained. What? Who the heck is this? He launches forward and grabs me by the waist but doesn't do anything at all. He's frozen solid. What does he want from me? I try to push him away, but even if I try, I'm not moving any body parts at all.

  His stare is now intense, and I blink a couple of times as if my eyes are watery. As the water clears out from my eyes, I now see him holding onto another girl. They look like a couple, but by observing the woman's frightful expression, I realize that they're not. What are they doing? He kisses her neck and the woman and I gasp. She moans as if she's liking it, but at the same time, she's trying to escape from his grip. I step forward to try and help the woman, but as soon as I do, they both fade away.

  My eyes flutter open as my mouth twists into a grimace. I glance at the clock and it's only been fifteen minutes since I last woke up. They're still doing it? What the heck?

  I get out of my bed and sigh, obviously frustrated from all this noise. I can't sleep, and I have to attend school tomorrow! I open my door, leading me outside my room where the noise is much louder than before. Wow, they're loud. I'm pretty sure that Teddy's awake now. I yawn as I walk towards his door room. I freeze. I hear someone mumbling inside his room.

  "Ah! Theo," I gasp and quickly step away from the door. "Stop moving so much." I hear a woman scolding someone, who's probably Teddy. My mouth drops open. "What the fuck?" I blurt out and I can sense them motionless. Shit! I cover my mouth and quickly dash away from them, trying to be as quiet as possible.

  I close the door behind me and quickly got into bed. Sleep, sleep, sleep! Sleep! I repeat the word inside my head as I hide my face under the blankets. Moments later, someone enters the room.

  It's probably my brother, but he doesn't say anything. I'm terrified to look. He might still be there, waiting for me to move. I do, but only by turning my body at the opposite direction, facing away from the door. The door closes and I open my eyes.

  What was that? I wonder to myself as I flush in embarrassment. I never would've thought that it would be my brother instead of our parents. I feel like I was trespassing. Shit, he's probably going to ask a bunch of questions tomorrow. I swallow nervously as I turn back to check the clock.

  I freeze.

  He's there. His penetrating stare makes me feel uneasy. Oh wow, I feel like mom.

  I blink a couple of times and awkwardly move away from him. He's sweating, and his scent smells like a ladies' perfume. I look down and I can see that he's hard and horny. I probably shouldn't have left my own room.

  "Did you hear?" He finally speaks as I swallow once more, very afraid of my brother's questions. "Well, did you?" He asks as if he's mad. Oh, shit.

  I nod and his eyes widen. He looks like he's panicking, but I can't really tell.

 "So, you were listening?" He narrows his eyes at me and exhales loudly. I blink. "H-hey, I didn't mean to. I though it was our parents." I stutter as I look away. This is too weird. I should've stayed here.

  He sighs and sits down on a comfy chair. I don't want to say anything as a response. What's he going to do to me now? I glance at the clock and see that mom and dad are going to wake up soon. They're always early in the morning. I swallow and it's the only thing I hear that's pretty loud. I wonder if he heard me, too. Sheesh, say something! Maybe he's afraid that I would tell our parents? I don't think he has to worry about it, though. He's old enough to do those things.

  "I won't tell anyone," I finally mutter out as he raises his eyebrow as if it's not the response that he was expecting from me. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, kind of like what dad does. Ted, get out of my room and let me sleep! I sigh in response and he looks at me before speaking.

  "We'll discuss this tomorrow. I've left a young lady waiting long enough." Ted uttered out, leaving my room as he started unbuttoning the top button of his loose shirt. Holy shit. What the hell was that?

  I don't think I'll be able to look at my brother the same way again. I sit up and lightly pull my hair down as I hug my knees. I should've just stayed in bed. What was he...doing?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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