Chapter One - Confined and Condemned

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In a nutshell, Taylor Laine Kearney's life has been a complete disaster.

But, it was a great disaster.

She goes by Laine primarily, so only people that have known her since she was in the womb call her Taylor.

Laine has been cooped up in her mother's bar and inn for the past 8 years, only going out occasionally to take out the trash, but even that's monitored. She has absolutely no freedom at all.

And she tended to load this onto new people that she didn't know very well yet. She knew basically all of her customers, yet she still had a lot to know.

On this particular day, a Thursday, Laine was standing in the empty bar, it being only two o'clock. She stood behind the bar and wiped it down, the black surface reflecting back at her so she could scowl at herself as she scrubbed at the bar. She had put years of effort into this god damn bar, she could at least try to make it look nice.

At least as nice as she could.

As she scrubbed and scrubbed at the bar, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She turned, still scrubbing, to see her younger brother Jake all dressed up in a tux. He even had a pocket square.

"Lookin' good bro," Laine smirked as she turned back to the bar. Jake smirked back at her.

"Why thank you. Remember what today is, big sis?"

"Of course. Homecoming. Now why didn't Mom let me go to that? Oh, right. Because she thought that I'd get hurt."

"I mean, you didn't even have a date."

"Fuck a date. I'd go by myself and crash it. I would've crashed it hard," she nodded, smirking wider as she held up a rock-on sign.

"Well, if you had a date, I'd take you with me. I don't want 'em getting jealous."

"You've got to be fucking me. I'm your older sister. Why would Emily get jealous?"

"I don't know, L. She just does. It's really fucking annoying."

"Yeah, I bet. Stay here, I'm gonna go get my polaroid so I can take a picture. You're never gonna be as dressed up as this, so I want to keep it so I can hold it over your head," Laine grinned, laughing as she headed up the stairs.

She went up into her room and grabbed her polaroid camera and some film before feeding the film into the camera and coming back down the stairs. As she came down the stairs, she saw two men and Jake talking a little. She heard a little bit of their conversation.

" for Homecoming."

They stopped talking as they heard Laine. She held her polaroid in her hands as she half-smiled at the two men. One was as tall as she was, 6'2, and one maybe around 6'4 or 6'5.

"Afternoon," she greeted with a dip of her head. "Can I help you guys with something?"

"Yeah, actually. We're looking for a man named Michael Kearney," the one her height with blonde hair and stunning green eyes said in a kind of low voice.

Laine eyed them both. "Michael's my father. He hasn't been here for 8 years, so I don't think I can help you."

"Wait-" the taller one with shaggy brown hair blurted. "You can."

"Sam," the first muttered in warning.

"What, Dean? She can help us."

The man, supposedly named Dean, turned back to her. "We'll be with you in a minute."

"Uh, sure." Laine nodded and flicked her head at Jake, and they both moved away.

"Hey, you wanna have a pull-up contest?" Jake smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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