Part 2

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Anna's pov ( Age 18)

Anna's pov ( Age 18)

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The next day

i kept looking at my phone hoping micah would text me or call me. but there was nothing from him.

i knew he was probably still pissed about yesterday and how can i blame him. why did aaron have to call at that exact moment.

"hey anna" a voice said. i turned to see the devil himself.

i roll my eyes." Aaron why did you call me last night " i said rudely.

he raised his eyebrow and gave me a confused look. " i just wanted to make sure you were good. after your boyfriend showed up and dragged you away i was a little concerned " he said.

"i was fine. you dont need to worry about me. im safe with my boyfriend " i said defensively.

aaron rolled his eyes." are you sure about that ?  because to me it looked like you needed protecting from your boyfriend the way he was grabbing on you" he said.

i could feel my cheeks burning from the embarrassment i felt. " well he only got like that because you were all over me" i say.

" do you hear yourself? are you really justifying his actions" aaron said in disbelief.

"no im not. im just saying you provoked him. micah gets really jealous seeing me with other guys" i explained.

aaron shook his head and gave me a disappointed look." wow anna. i never thought you would be one of those girls" he said.

"what girls are you refferring too?" i asked.

" the type that make a excuse for their boyfriend's behavior. the type that are weak because they think their in love" he said.

"first off micah isnt abusive he just gets angry sometimes and second i am not weak. you dont know a thing about my relationship so i would appreciate it if you kept your nose out of my business " i said.

not wanting to waste another minute i walk past him. he grabs my arm causing me to look at him.

" anna look im sorry. your right i dont know anything about your relationship but i know him grabbing on you is wrong. i just care about you and i dont want you to get hurt" aaron said softly.

i cant help but to soften at his words. aaron was one of my closest friends i could never stay mad at him for too long.

" thank you for caring about me. but trust me i can take care of myself" i tell him.

aaron slowly nods his head and lets me go.



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i havent heard from micah all day so i decided to go to his dorm. when i pull up to his building i see micah standing outside with some girl. she was looking a little too comfortable with my man.

when she started touching on his chest i hopped out my car and made my way over to them.

"come on micah. just let me have you for one night " the girl said. over my dead body bitch!

micah grabbed her arms and pushed her back gently." Ashley i told you i have a girl" he said. well at least he let this hoe know he was taken.

"come on she doesnt have to know" she said.

"bitch you better back the hell up before i break your damn fingers" i yelled.

they both turned to me in surprise. well micah just looked like he was annoyed with my presence.

"and you are?" the girl asked.

i glare at her." his girlfriend bitch " i say angrily.

"who are you calling a bitch" the girl said.

i lunged at her but micah caught me before i could get to her. " Ashley get the hell out of here" micah said calmly.

"w.e call me when you want a real woman" she said blowing him a kiss.

" trust me bitch he wont. he doesnt like loose pussy " i yell.

she throws me a salty look before leaving.

as soon as shes out of sight micah releases me. i look at him ready to unleash my anger.

" what the hell was that micah?!" i say angrily.

micah sighs." it was nothing anna. why are you here?" he says rudely.

" i came to see you since i havent heard from you all day" i say.

"ive been busy" he says avoiding my gaze.

" so busy you couldnt send a quick text" i say.

" i didnt feel like talking to you after what went down yesterday" he said.

"micah i told you it was nothing. aaron was just checking on me" i explain.

"he doesnt need to do all that he isnt your boyfriend " micah said in a frustrated tone.

i need to diffuse this situation and fast. the last thing i need is for micah to get angry again.

"babe i know that and i told him that. so please stop being mad at me" i beg.

"look anna im not mad i just need some space to think" he says.

"space? for what. i didnt do anything, its not like i fucked him" i said getting angry.

"how do i know that? " he said.

i smack him across the face." how dare you! your such a fucking asshole. is that really what you think of me" i said tearfully.

"anna i- just forget it you want your space ill give it to you" i say cutting him off.

i spin around and run to my car. before i can make it all the way there micah grabs my arm.

"get off me right now micah!" i yell.

"baby stop. im sorry"  he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"your only saying sorry because im upset" i mumble.

" i hate seeing you cry" he says.

"then stop making me cry" i say.

micah turns me around and wipes my face. " i dont mean to. i just let my emotions get the best of me" he says.

as i look into his blue grey eyes i know ive already forgiven him.

"i love you micah. dont ever doubt that" i say.

"i love you too anna"

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