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This was written by MissAlyss27 on DeviantArt and Wattpad, and thewalkingmetalhead on DeviantArt. (big thanks for helping me with this story.) she deserves a mention, because, at least in my opinion, she made the story so much better.

2nd authors note (yes, deal with it) sorry for any spelling mistakes, or grammar mistakes, and since I wrote this on a device that AUTOCORRECTS spelling mistakes, I deserve any and all mockery here.
I also apologise if the story is short. This was written on my phone, so it seems a lot longer on my phone than it would on a computer screen. This is my first creepypasta, and I don't read it very often (if at all), and all I know of creepypasta is how not to write it, with help from youtube channels like Micheal Leroi and HoodoHoodlum'sRevenge.

I hope you enjoy.

My name is Jack. Jack oneran Kelly. I'm 18. I have chocolate hair, pale skin, and green-y blue eyes. I usually wear a blue shirt, highlighted with dark green around the end of the sleeves, collar and the bottom of the shirt, dark blue jeans, and sneakers. At the time it'd been a few months since I moved to that town.
I had a friend, named Dennis who was 17. (He never told me his other names..) He was a pretty superstitious guy, I suppose you could say. Always out to debunk rumours, creepy stories and more. He always had his phone on him, always ready to record. He's an ash blonde, with pale turquoise eyes and light tan skin. I think he was from Sweden, but I'm not sure. He usually wore black shorts and all his shirts had the initials 'H.H.R'
And yes, he is my only friend, since I was new to the town, an have the social comprehension of a potato.
Anyway, I was there with my younger sister who's 13, named Alice, (She's a brunette with pale skin, bright green eyes, and usually wore colourful (and as she described them, comfortable) dresses) My dog, who was a red kelpie cross named Coby, and my parents who are both in their early 40's.

My life was pretty good after we first moved. There was a forest nearby, so that set up some opportunities. There was also lake, local pool, and a few other things in this large town that could be used for recreation purposes. Then I met Dennis. He was snooping around looking for something, taking notes on his hands and knees. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I fell over him. At first I was mad.. I was covered in dirt, I had a graze on each of my hands and a mouthful of mud. I got up to apologise, and so did he. I turned around and kept walking, and before I knew what happened, I was hanging upside down by my foot. When he saw this, he was laughing his head off. He let me down- letting me land on my head- he helped me up.
"The names Dennis." He held out his hand.
"Jack." I smiled and shook his hand. Since then I'd help Dennis all the time after learning what he did. I always saw him out at exactly 12:00 pm and we always got back at 7:30 pm.
My life was still good, but now it was more dangerous. I suppose it made my life exciting so that's always a plus. During the day, I'd read up on urban legends and rumours, so was always ready for what Dennis had in store for me next.
We'd debunk creepy stories together, having a ball as we went running around in the strangest places: through alleyways, in sewers, a marsh one time.. One time out adventures led into my neighbours garden. Another time landed us with a police escort home. Dennis and I even went dumpster diving at one point. It was all in good fun.
Two months had passed, and me and Dennis were really close friends. I'd gotten to know him pretty well. I'd leaped into his arms in fear when a dog started running at me one time, which was weird for me, and probably for him too. It was my dog, but it was still scary.
Anyway, not important. I was reading in the town library, about a creature that lived in the nearby forest, and was the one behind the list of missing people. I looked up and saw Dennis, so I bookmarked the page as I assumed he wanted to talk to me. He seemed really nervous when he came up to me, like a stereotypical romance story. Except that was weird, because I was straight... And so was he...
"Jack.. I'm... You know the... curfew...?" He asked.
"Huh?? There's a curfew??" I was honestly surprised. I'd never known.
"Yeah, the reason when always return home before 8. The curfew was put in place when people started going missing roughly 50 years ago. Anyone who went outside after 8 had a very high chance of going missing." He said in a dark ominous voice, as if trying to scare me, "I want to find whoever or whatever is doing this. And I want you to help me."
"Whoa, Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute. We're talking about a kidnapper here!! W-why me?? What if we die?! It's one thing to go after haunted houses,but this...." I trailed off, at loss for words, panicked. I'd done some stupid things, but never anything like this.
"That's the point. I have a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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