Chapter One

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"Mommy I don't want to go to daycare! Can I stay with you," I whined while tugging on her peach Calvin Klein pants suit.

My mother only smiled, "Kenzie, mommy is very busy. I'm late for a meeting!"

I stomped in place causing my sketchers to light up, "But I'm nine years old. I'm too grown for daycare."

She pinched my arm and dragged me forward. "Then act like it cause lil girl you ain't grown until you rise your narrow behind out my house." She opened the door to the daycare center. "Its summer vacation and there's no where else for me to bring you, besides Kaya will be there."

My eyes lit up at the mention of Kaya's name, "I haven't seen her since-"

Mom cut me off, "Its only been twenty four hours."

It was just like me to over exaggerate, but I can't help the fact that I loved my best friend like a sister.

Dragging me out of my daze was Kaya's loud voice shouting, "My shoota!"

Believe it or not Kaya's dream was to be a thug, and marry a thug.

"Don't teach my daughter that thug language Nakaya Williamson." My mother covered my ears playfully.

"Mama Stewart you know Kenzie is a born thug, she taught me."

"Kaya my mom is tripping, bringing me to a daycare like I'm a child."

She winked at me signaling me to follow her as she approached my mom.

"Mama Stewart, my mom is coming to get me soon, can Kenzie cone home with me?"

I crossed my fingers as mom pondered Kaya's question. Knowing Kaya, I didn't have to look at her face to see her begging with her light brown eyes.

Sighing, my mother finally chose to suffice my anxiousness. "I guess Kenzie can go but don't go bringing her anywhere outside of your house."

Kaya nodded furiously, "Got you."

Twenty minutes after my mothers departure, Kaya's brother Jaquees came to pick us up.

I stopped at the threshold of the Daycare, "That ain't your mom." I retorted with attitude.

"She's in Atlanta, she'll be home in a few." Kaya proceeded to climbing into Jaquees' brand new charger. We lived in Jersey so you know how he got that car.

"You lied Kaya! I can get in trouble, just cause you don't care doesn't mean that I don't!" I was shouting at this point. Kaya never cared to think about what her actions can lead to.

"Kenzie your always being cautious! Is that how you want to live your life? No one will ever want a girl that's too cautious. They're boring."

I rolled my hazel eyes, "Forget you and forget our friendship."

I walked my little rump right back into the daycare center. Grumbling absolutely nothing but gibberish. I watched as Kaya walked back I. huffing and puffing.

"Kenzie," she said barely being audible. "I'm sorry for lying to your mom and being mean to you." She held out her pinky. "Friends?"

I debated. "Yeah friends," I said lopping my pinky around hers."

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