Call Me Kitten

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Published: Oct. 7, 2016

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Btw, enjoy!


"Good morning, Yoongi hyung!" The black-haired kitten shouted near Yoongi, waking him up.

Yoongi stood up and stretched, yawning. He glared at Jimin, for waking him up again. Jimin always does that which the puppy hated.

"What now, Jimin?" The older said, still glaring at the kitten. Jimin pouted, "Aw hyung! I told you to call me kitten! Why won't you call me kitten?" Jimin said, nearly shouting.

Yoongi ruffled his hair in annoyance. "Jimin, I told you already many times I won't. A no is a no. Why can't you understand those simple words?" He hissed, annoyed at the kitten's question that Jimin said every other day.

Both the hybrids continued to argue about it almost the whole morning. If you're asking, they lived in a hybrid shelter. People keep hybrids there and some even adopt them.


After breakfast, Yoongi went back to his room, wanting nothing but to have a peaceful sleep. But of course, it never happens since a blacked-haired kitten keeps on disturbing him and his precious sleep.

"Hyung! Hyung! Let's play! I'm so bored!" The kitten said, lying on the older's bed and rolling on it, not caring if Yoongi would be angry or not.

Yoongi shut his eyes tightly, annoyed with the kitten's presence. He opened his eyes and glared at the younger.

"Jimin, get out of my bed. I just wanted to sleep, is that a bad thing?" Yoongi said, trying to calm himself a bit.

The kitten pouted. He stood up and said a little 'Fine.' And stomped out of the puppy's room like a moody 5 year old who didn't get his favorite toy.

"Finally." Yoongi sighed and plopped down on his bed. He can finally get some sleep.


Yoongi slept for only 2 hours because as usual, the black-haired kitten waked him up again.

Yoongi sat up, pushing the kitten off of him. Jimin pouted when he fell off the older's lap, where he was previously sitting at. He stood up and sat on Yoongi's lap again. His favorite spot.

Yoongi just let the younger do what it wants and sleepily asked, "What do you want, Jimin?"

"I want to play hyung! I'm bored!" Jimin said, excited. He went nearer to the older's chest, resting its head on it.

"Actually, this is greater than playing." Jimin stated before Yoongi can protest.

Yoongi shook his head, not caring and wanting to just sleep again. He lied down on his bed again, with the sleeping kitten still on his chest.

And the puppy slept with the kitten, feeling more comfortable than usual, and he likes it. He wanted to stay in this position forever. Even though he won't ever admit it to himself.


Yoongi woke up after a few hours. He noticed that Jimin wasn't there anymore, making him unconciously frown at the loss of warmth from the kitten.

He sighed and stood up, going to the dining room for dinner. He normally doesn't eat dinner with the other hybrids since Jimin is becoming so playful. But Jimin is so stubborn that he eats dinner and breakfast with the puppy.

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