Chapter 1 Tate Walker

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I would like to thank watt pad member "Harbors" for creating the cover. Go check her out! she's makes awesome covers!

Also this is my first time writing anything so please be nice :)


It is the year 2469

and since the year 2169 there was a new rule that was put in place.


*All human contact with the other sex has been banned; anyone who disobeys this rule will be punished. If you are caught at night disobeying this rule you will be sent to immediate death.*

The government has decided that we as humans live ,breathe, eat, sleep and die all with one purpose to reproduce and the world has overdone it.

Therefore we are running out of room to put everybody, people aren't dying fast enough.

So all human contact with the other sex has been forbidden.

Just As long as you don't get caught...


* Not edited, so sorry for the spelling mistakes etc also there is swearing in this sorry*

~Tate Walker~

She stood up in front of the class about to do her speech, I watched as her pupils got bigger each time she blinked and how she pulled down the sleeve of her old shaggy cotton moron jumper. Covering her wrists.

With the teacher around she should be more careful.

She had that concerned look on her face like she was praying that something dramatic would magically happen and she would drop dead where she stood. But she also wore the expression that looked like she was telling herself that the odds of that happening weren't in her favour.

As the class fell silent and people adjusted into their seats I felt all the students eyes were focused on her. I could feel the whispers and their eyes, their piercing eyes, stabbing her through her skin. Judging her.

But I promised myself I would not let them get to me.

My teacher told her to start she bowed her head and began to read

"Imagine a world where human contact was allowed, where there were no boundaries, where you didn't have people on watch all the time to make sure you were following the rules.. Imagine if I could touch your skin, the palm of your hand or the outline of your nose"

I looked around and everyone seemed shocked as they heard this. The winkles on their faces lined up as the frozen panic expression was painted on their faces. As if they had never heard of such a thing, as if she had spoken of the devil. No one has ever gone against protocol.

I shuffled in my seat and ran my hand through my short scruffy blonde/brown hair. As she continued on, I got more intrigued.

"Do not tell me I am pretty or sweet or thin or good, until you have crawled into my skin and felt the depts. and shadows of me. Only I know who I am. I live inside myself and it's a rotting cage. Do not tell me any of this when you have not touched me with your bare hands"

"Don't be ridiculous ..."

"Yeah don't be stupid"

"What is she on about that stupid bitch"


"What is this shit"

"All of you shut up. We live breathe eat sleep and die all with one purpose to reproduce which we've already overdone so who cares who the fuck cares just calm down, if we can't reproduce what's the point on even being here?!"

But those who heard did not listen and those who listened did not hear.

As I looked around I could see that the students did not understand the depth of her writing, they did not understand the knowledge behind her words. If only they had listened close enough, they might have actually heard her soft breathing underneath her intelligent words.

She was smart, she was going to make something of herself and she wasn't going to end up being a hug dealer (people that got paid to risk their lives at the dead of night to go hug people. with the hope of not getting caught) like half of this class.

But In fact they didn't understand anything about her. I saw how she betrayed herself on the outside, and I could see the students falling for it all.


Fucking idiots.

Teacher told her in his husky voice that it was too inappropriate for her to continue her speech with the class so rarked up and that she would have to continue it at a later date. So she made her way back to her seat.

I realised this was the first time I had notice her properly in months. I think what triggered me was how she missed school for over 2 months. That was unusual for her. She was always here.

And now it was her first week back.

I remember all the teachers were whispering and they just told the students she wouldn't be here for a while. Of course Rumours went around.

That she had died,

Got sent away to Africa

She got knocked up and was trying to hide it,

Etc etc you get the idea

But when I was seeing her dad (he's my psychologist) I overheard him talking to his wife, I shouldn't have ease dropped but I couldn't help myself. He was talking about his daughter's suicide attempt.

Scarlet tried to kill herself.

I had never known, and probably shouldn't have known. Now I feel like I know something about her that others don't.

The more I look at her, the more I start to like how the corners of her lips curve up when she smiles or how the light reflects on her blue eyes. Or how she lights up like a bulb when sees laughing. How she flutters her long eyelashes.

But as soon as I see her alone she looks like she's trapped inside herself.

Like she's afraid of something.

I couldn't stop staring at her though, there was something different about her, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. But there was no denying that she was beautiful.

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I didn't sleep that night, my insomnia kept me awake. Thinking about her.

I knew I wanted to talk to her, but how. I'm not anyone special; I'm just plain Tate Walker.

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