A Secret

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The moonlight dimly lit the bedroom in which the victim lay asleep. The person in the bed is deep asleep. That's not weird since it's 3am in the morning. Since the person is deep asleep, the victim didn't hear the light click of the door when it got unlocked. A slight creak followed as the old wooden door opened. A person sneaked inside and quietly closed the door after itself. The person expertly moved through the hallway to the kitchen, avoiding all the places the floor creaked if you stepped on it. With the hand covered with a plastic glove the intruder opened up a drawer and picked up a sharp kitchen knife. The intruder slowly closed the drawer again as too not make any sound. It's obvious that the intruder have been in here before as the person had no trouble navigating to the bedroom in the almost pitch black house. The person in the bed shifted a bit in distressed sleep when the intruder entered the room. The other presence in the room wasn't supposed to be there. The intruder slowly approached the bed in which the victim lay asleep. With the plastic clad hand the knife didn't rest in the person held an opened umbrella. The intruder slowly raised the knife which shimmered in the moonlight. The intruder brought it down with all it's might and hid behind the umbrella as the blood sprayed out of the victim's neck. As the blood slowly stopped spraying across the room, the murder slowly rose from it's seat behind the umbrella. Not a single drop of blood stained the murders clothes. Avoiding all the blood on the floor the intruder made it's way back out dropping the knife before going out the door. The person slipped through an empty alley and made it's way into another. A fire was lit in an oil drum, and some homeless people were sleeping around it. The murder dropped the gloves och umbrella in the fire and quietly disappeared into the shadows.


A stream of sunlight sneaked in through a crack in the curtains and hit my closed eyes. I slowly started to open them only to slam them shut again. The sunlight burned, my sleepy eyes. I started with adjusting to the light with my eyes closed before I opened my eyes once again. This time the morning sunlight didn't burn my eyes, so I got up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom for a hot shower. With my long red-brown ish hair still wet I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I ate slowly as I basked in the morning sun. Mornings like these sure are nice, but I have no more time to laze around. I got up, placed the dishes in the sink and continued on into my room again. I walked up to my drawer and chose a deep blue flowy summer dress which reached until my knees. A pair of shoes and I'm good to go. I grabbed my bag on my way to the door. I locked the apartment and off we go to work. It's not a long walk. It's actually a nice distance away for a morning walk. I crossed the last street and walked into the office, only to be met with a picture of my colleague brutally murdered. I can feel myself freeze in the middle of a step. What is this? Who did this? My body is starting to warm up in rage. How dare someone kill of my mentor? Why? He has always been kind to everyone and there should be no people who holds a grudge against him... These thoughts swirl in my mind as I stomp my way to the chief's room. Once outside I take a second to collect myself. I won't be able to convince him to let me take the case unless I'm calm. I knock once before going inside to announce my presence.

My boss is sitting in his chair by the desk facing the window.

"Ella, I knew you would come" He let out a sight.

"I assume that you know what I'm here about to then?" I fired the question to him as soon as he finished speaking.

"Yes, I know all too well why you are here"

"So? What's the answer" I asked calmly this time.

"No, I will probably not give this case to you" His voice was deprived of any emotion when he uttered these words.

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