{Chapter 1}

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Ellie's POV.
I looked at the big house as I arrived in front of it, then I walked to the door, I was so nervous that she wouldn't let me work in her house so I tried to appear calm and rang the doorbell, I waited until someone opened the door, it was a lady who opened the door she appeared to be 45 years old or more, she smiled at me and told me "are you Ellie Hudson?" "Yes" I replied "ok come in" I entered the house and I'm not gonna lie it was huge and beautiful too. We entered the living room, it was really beautiful she told me to sit on one of the cushions and I did.
'Tell me about yourself' " my name is Ellie Hudson and I'm 20, I came to London for studying" "why do you want to work?" She asked "I want to work to be able to pay my college tuition and the apartment's rent " what college do you attend?" "Harvard college" she smiled "Great, you must be very smart to attend it, my son attends it too" "really? What does he study? "Writing, he's always wanted to become a famous writer and now he's doing what he wanted, I'm so proud of him' 'I also study writing,my father was a writer and because of him I became obsessed with reading and writing' 'well I hope you become a great writer to make your father proud of you'  "Thank you Mrs Twist" 'let me show you the house and what are you going to clean' 'OK, but can I ask you a question please?' 'Yes sure' 'you know that I have attended the college now and that I'm only free on Friday and Sunday, so can you please let me work every Friday and Sunday only? Please? 'Yes of course,  most of the times I'm alone in the house because my daughter Gemma travels a lot and Harry is in college now so the house is clean, so Friday and Sunday are really suitable for me' 'Thank you so much' I smiled because of how humble and kind the woman is, it is a really sad thing that she's alone most of the times :(
she showed me the first room to start cleaning it.
It was her son's room, It wasn't messy  because he wanted to live in the college dorms to be with his friends ,his room was big, he had posters of bands that I really like, it had a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and shelves that contains a lot of books and CDs, I started cleaning it by cleaning the shelves first, i noticed that  his music taste is also like me, he's into bands, I really want to meet that person because if he likes 5SOS, Rolling Stones, Nirvana and All time low then we'd get along very easily ,I also noticed a guitar in his room , it was an electric one but really really beautiful.
After an hour I finished cleaning the room the Mrs Twist told me where the other room that it's supposed to be cleaned and time passed as I finished cleaning everything .
After I finished cleaning I went to Mrs Twist to take my salary 'p.s: I take it by day not month' she handed me 100 pounds then I thanked her and left the house.
I went to my small apartment that I rented three days ago , took a shower then Sat on my couch and opened the TV, I found a good movie so I decided to watch it, I began thinking about college, how the first day will pass, Mrs Twist and her son and my family... I really miss them so I decided to call my parents and tell them good night.
I face timed them and they kept on talking about how they miss me and that they wish me luck on my first day of college then I decided to end the call because I wanted to sleep, they told me bye and take care of yourself then I ended the call.
I went to my room, turned the light off and began to sleep. 
Author's note
Hey, it's my first time to write a story so please excuse my lame writing.... And if you find any grammar mistakes please please tell me in the comments, it will be a short story, about 15,20 chapters.
Please support my lame story and I promise it will get better :') vote please ❤️❤️ love you all!!

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