School-7th Grade

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I would text Meagan everyday. One day, i heard some surprising news. Our text conversation sort of went like this:

Meagan: Guess what?!


Meagan:My mom said I could still go to I.S 88!

(Our J.H.S)

Me:What? How!?

Meagan: Since she has to go work everyday in NY shes gonna drive me to my grandmas house everyday, then I go on the train to school

Me:Oh cool... !I'm really happy.

   I was happy and at the same time I wasn't..a little. I just thought if she came, she would be with all new friends and forget about me. We were going to be in different classes, but the same Academy so I could see her in lunch and Auditorium.She was staying in honors and I was going to top honors. Sad. Anyways,i didn't want that to happen. Then  i relized, what is wrong with me? My best friend is coming back to the same school as me. I should be happy! So then i was happy. No one knew about her coming back to  I.S.88 besides me, and 2 other people. That don't go to our school.

  The rest of the summer went by..then it was the first day of school. Meagans mom was driving her to school. I was meeting her in front of the school. As I was walking I was so excited. Finally I was in front of school and saw her.

"Hey!!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey!"She said. I said hi to her mom and we walked inside. We talked all the way up to the principals office.

"My mom has to tell the office we moved" She said.

"Oh okay" I said. When we were in the office we saw the principal.

"Hello girls, why arent you wearing your uniform shirts?" The principal said. We didn't wear the shirts because it was the first day.

"uhh...uhmm Because.." We said while laughing a little. He wasnt mad. Phew. When Meagans mom was done, we said goodbye, and went downstairs to the cafeteria where all the students were. We saw our friends and hugged them. Everyone was surprised Meagan was there.

Soon It was time for the students to go up to their classes.

"Bye guys", I said to Meagan and my friends that were in Honors, sadly, as I walked to my class.

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