Chapter 36 - Strong

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Ariana's POV

Six months have passed since me and Nathan started dating and to say I'm great is an understatement. I was beyond happy and really greatful. There wasn't a moment where I would have a frown on my face when he was around.

My life seemed great , I had my friends , family and a lovely boyfriend. What more could I ask for? nothing that's for sure. I was currently in my room, scrolling through twitter with a huge smile on my face.

My mood changed immediatly . Hate. It was everywhere. I didn't have a problem with ignoring it for the last couple of months but I couldn't help it. Not knowing what I was about to do was incredibly stupid, I tapped on the worldwide trends. '#arianaisaslut'' was trending. A gasp escaped my mouth as I tapped on it.

Dozens of tweets came in which all had one thing in common . They were all hurtful. I was called many things like 'whore' 'slut' 'hoe' and many other words I didn't even knew existed. Tears filled my eyes and I threw my phone on the floor, cracking it's delicate screen.

At that very moment I didn't care about anything. The only thing in my mind was 'why?' . Why does every celebrity have to go through this? Who knew only a couple of tweets could drain the happiness out of you?

I rolled my eyes at my sensitveness and picked myself up from the floor. I had a performance to do in a couple of minutes. Might as well dress in something that covered my body more.

My feet picked themself up from the cold tiled floor and I opened my closet. Short floral and sparkly dresses were trown on the floor as I hastily looked for a pair of jeans and a sweater. All that I found was a huge pink sweater and some denim skinny jeans.

This will do

I quickly changed from my favorte sparkly black dress into the sweater and jeans. I then slipped on a pair of pink sneakers and fixed my hair. My make up was ruined due to my tears and was quickly re did.

For the first time in six months, I plastered a fake smile on my face and did my vocal warm ups before going on stage. As soon as I stepped on stage cheers were heard everywhere. I noticed a group of girls in the fifth row holding up a poster saying ' Kill yourself you ugly bitch'. My knees began to get wobbly and I wrapped my arms around me trying to calm down.

Getting hate during an concert is terrible. Some stupid haters payed tickets to insult me , ruining the chances of the people that actually wanted to see me perform.

I took a deep breathe and thought of all the happy things in life. All the memories me and Nathan had shared weren't enough to make me smile .But the memories with Jai were.

Remembering the fact that he would cuddle with me until I fell asleep brought a huge smile to my face. Maybe I didn't move on..

Hey guys this is the first chap. of save you and I'm so excited eeeppp . It's short cause I couldn't wait to post it so sorry not sorry! anywho I hoped you guys enjoyed it !

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and if you read until here comment ' Ariana is a Queen'

Letting Go  (a Jariana/Ariana Grande/Jai Brooks fan fiction) editingWhere stories live. Discover now