Chapter 1: good morning Yn

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"Yn wake up its time for school!" Your mother said as she tickled your feet which were hanging off of the bed.  " five more minutes mommy" Yn whined, and her mother sighed in frustration as Yn was trying to go back to sleep.

Then suddenly Yn's mother had an idea to wake her sleeping daughter. " Alright Yn I made f/b (favourite breakfast) but since you wanna sleep I guess me and your father will eat all of it" she said a smirk present on Yn's mother's face.

Then suddenly Yn shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom yelling "I'm up I'm up don't eat my breakfast". After Yn got dressed she went downstairs to find her parents sitting on the kitchen table. "Good morning mom and dad," Yn said, "good morning n/n ( nickname)".

Yn's mom put a plate full of her f/f (favourite food), she looked at her plate as her stomach growls and she devoured the food. After Yn had finished she her breakfast she grabbed her backpack and said to her mother "mom come on I don't wanna be late for school" "alright sweetie I'm coming"  her mom Said as she took the last bite of her PB and j sandwich.

You and Mn (moms name) ran to the (insert car here) and buckled in, "it's a big today isn't it Yn?" your mom said with a huge grin stretched across her face while she was driving to (insert your school). "Yes mom I know it's your first day at work but please calm down," you said in a motherly tone with a goofy smile on your face.

"Stop it you silly goof," you mom said with a smile while she lightly punched your shoulder. Both of you looked at each other then burst into laughter. "Oh Yn what would I do without a daughter/son like you?" Your mom said tearing up,

"come on mom please don't cry you know it's gonna make me cry" you said fake crying. "Ah stop it you big goof," your mom said smiling and wiping a few stray tears from the corners of her eyes. " well it made you feel better didn't it?" You ask smiling as your mom pulls up to your school.

"Yeah it did sweetie thank you and have a great day at school", your mom said as you were getting out of the car. "Thanks, mom, have a great first day at work," you said smiling at your mom while climbing out of the car and taking your backpack out of the back seat.

"Bye mom love you!!!" You yelled outside the front doors of the school "bye Yn love you too have a great day at school and don't forget s/n (sister name) will be coming from u/n (university name) so don't forget to decorate the house" your mom yelled from the window.

Once you were inside the school your mom drove away trying to get to her new job on time.


Hey, guys, it's me again! So what do you think about my new book so far? You might be like 'belieber the title says DMC fanfic and you're giving us this going to school nonsense?!' Well calm Down we will be getting to Dante really soon!

On a less serious note, I just reached 💯followers!! Maybe when you guys are seeing this I might have more followers

And last thing a shout out to for giving me the idea for this book!! She is new here so go to her profile and follow her 😜

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