Cupcakez and Razorbladez[In Progress]

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[New Beginnings Introduction] I had never been the kind of kid to fit in with others. All the things I liked were the exact opposite of what they liked. The way I approached life was very different as well. While everyone else was hanging out with friends I was at home thinking about life. I guess a lot of this was to blame on the tragic events that I had to endure. My mother and I weren't really the best of friends. My little brother was innocent. My father would probably have to be the one I was closest with. I didn't know though that his sickness would kill him. My father meant a lot to me, so his death is what really sent me soaring down hill into the bitter path of darkness. He had terrible cancer, which was always a struggle. This story starts out in Illinois my original hometown. I was 7 years old. It was September 5th 2002. School really sucked around here! It was year round pretty much! The only months we had off were July and August. I had gone to school to discover that we were assigned a really big project, which would be due at the end of November. For hours I worked and worked. I couldn't sleep all that night because I had so much work to do before school the next day. At 12:30 I finally did fall asleep.

[Life Doesnt Last Forever, Chapter One, Age: 7-8] After a long night of studying and working on my project I was so tired that didn't wake up. It was just an average day for me. I didn't wake up, mother was stressed, school was waiting for me, and I would have a chat with my friends, and lastly come home to discover another one of my parent's silly arguments. It was 7:30 in the morning and as usual my mother was screaming at me to hurry up because we were going to be late. After packing the last of my things I ran downstairs to greet my father. "Hey there sleepy head. How are you today," he said. I replied by saying, "I am fine thanks. Well I guess I better go before she has a panic attack." So I gave him a hug and rushed outside to the car. My mother was already sitting in her seat angered. After I took my place in the car she pulled out of the driveway and sped away. Giving me her angry look she said," You need to get ready earlier because I CAN NOT be late every single day." I simply ignored her and turned away. After 15 minutes of an awkward ride we finally arrived. Happy to be away from her I got out of the car and ran to my friends. Already they were talking about something perverted. I joined in by saying, " Ello followers," Jed as usual said, " Matt we aren't followers we are simply the group of people that watch your every move and adore you ". Sadly I knew that was true, so nodded my head and turned the other way. The first bell rang. "Laters" we all said. I took my time to get to my first class, which was P.E. Oh, how I hated it because the teacher was a creep. She didn't like me I guessed because I refused to do as she asked. Anyways, just before the late bell rang I went into the locker room and changed. After we were all dressed and ready to work we had to wait for her. Her assignment was to run for the whole class because someone had stuck gum on the lockers. I really hated her for that, but I guess it was fun. The day went like this until lunch when something interesting finally did happen. One of my sworn enemies had been jumped by a group of middle schoolers. This made my day. With a smile on my face I went through the rest of the day. Before I went home I went to the river to take a swim. Then after that I made a stop at James's house because I needed to speak to him about the recent events. At around 6:45 I made my way home. I finally arrived 40 minutes, but for some reason a group of cops were there. Curious by this I ran to the front door. The first thing I did was tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. After a few more tries finally I gave and up and called mother. She didn't answer at all, so I began to worry. The head officer finally came out the door. He seen me and says,"Im sorry." Puzzled by this I gave him the oddest of looks and walked inside. My mother was on the ground crying her eyes out. I didn't know what was going on until my little brother came to me crying. "Daddies not right. He is dead," is what he told me. At first I didn't believe it, but then when mother told me I was devastated. I had nothing to say. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I began to cry. He told me he would be ok and that his sickness would be cured. These questions kept appearing in my head. Would he be ok? Why did he lie? Why would he lie to me? My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call from my nana. She couldn't believe it either. I couldn't really understand her because she was crying so much, so I hung up... At around 12:15 I fell asleep. The next day I didn't have to go to school. My mother said we all needed some time to cope with this. The day consisted of grief and many phone calls, it was really annoying. My mother looked so sad. I tried to comfort her by telling her things would be ok, but it didn't work, so I left to my room and slept... Every single day it was the same. I would go home to find that mother hadn't done anything. The house was in terrible shape as well. I didn't say a thing though because I knew it was hard on her. My grades somehow began to go down because I would spend most of my time helping my little brother and myself as well. This routine went on for almost a year until mother finally decided to get remarried because she wasn't able to handle working as much as she did, so she wanted to have some help. The man of her choice really wasn't a good one because he was quite rude. Anyways she had finally moved on which was good because order was finally restored. It was mid May and I was finally happy because school was ending which meant that I didn't have to worry about what people had to say or worst of all the teachers. They would constantly call on me because they knew I wasn't paying attention, so I would be used as a model. It was very embarrassing. However, something good did come out of all that has happened. I learned that the world wasn't like they make it seem in the movies. I knew that nothing would ever change, that racism would always exist, that war would never cease, and that death is only natural. By this time most of my friends had left me because I had changed. I could really care less though. Life to me would never be the same. On my way to the park I saw a girl walking past. She looked so sad. I wanted to know what her problems were, but I was frightened. I saw her turn into the park, which was sort of a good thing because maybe I could eavesdrop on her. To my dismay a car arrived and picked her up. I never did find out her problems, or her name. Once I got to the park I headed to my favorite spot, which was under a giant oak tree. There was something about it that made me calm. I stayed there for a few hours writing and doing some thinking. Mother called for me to return home. I got up and began walking. As I left though a group of others arrived only to cause trouble. The first kid was named Devon Meyers. He would always tease me. Then 4 more kids followed. I didn't know who they were. All of them surrounded me and began to harass me. I wasn't to worry because this had been happening a lot lately. After they were done they ran because some other people had seen what they were doing. I walked the rest of the way home quicker because I didn't want to be late again. When I finally arrived mother was sitting on the porch crying her eyes out. Inside the house my step dad was causing chaos and shouting. My little brother saw me home and ran to me. Puzzled I asked him what happened. He told me that they were fighting because she didn't want to get another job. I already knew that this would happen. After our conversation ended I went back upstairs to work on my homework. It was pretty easy actually. I was glad to have finally finished. Before going to bed I went downstairs to see if they were still fighting. Everything seemed fine now. I went back to my room and passed out for a few hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2012 ⏰

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