andres life

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I was born on september 11th,2004 and when I was born I had my enbelical cord rapped around my neck and I almost died. When I was a baby I had autism and it was serious. and I also didnt learn how to talk till I was 4 years old and my first word was "dada" which means im a daddys and always have been. When I was 6 years old I realized I had a talent called double jointed. Once I was double jointed I loved watching my moms reaction I put my thumb out of place. Once I was 8 years old I realized that im really really fast. So I raced technically everyone in my school and I won. Then when I was 9 years old I realized I can do sideflips. When I was 10 I realized Im a pretty good skateboarder and started skating everywhere. Oh yeah when I was 10 years old I met the girl of my dreams "sandee" also known as "my_name_is_fluffy". Thats was my life make sure to follow me and follow my_name_is_fluffy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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