Zodiac signs

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♈aries: March 21st - April 19th
Adventurous and energetic, pioneering and courageous, entusiastic and confident, dynamic and quick-witted.

Selfish and quick tempered, impulsive and impatient, foolhardy and daredevil.

♉taurus: April 20th-May 20th
Patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistant and determined, placid and security loving

Jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexable, self-indulgent and greedy

♊gemini:May 21st-June 20th
Adaptable and versatile, communicative and Witty, intellectual, youthful and livley.

Nervous and tense, superficial and inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive.

♋cancer: June 21st- July 22nd
Emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, protective and sympathetic.

Changeable and moody, overemotional and touchy, clinging and unable to let go.

♌leo: July 23rd- August 22nd
generous and warmhearted, creative and enthusiastic, broadminded and expansive, faithful and loving.

Pompous and patronising, bossy and interfering, dogmatic and intolerant.

♍virgo: August 23rd- september 22nd
Modest and shy, meticulous and reliable, practical and diligent, intelligent and analytical.

Fussy and a worrier, overcritical and harsh, perfectionist and conservative.

♎libra: september 23rd-october 22nd
Diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, easygoing and scoiable,idealistic and peaceable.

Indecisive and changeable, gulliable and easily influenced, flirtatious and self indulgent.

♏scorpio: October 23rd-November 21st
Determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, pwerful and passionate, exciting and magnetic.

Jealous and resentful, compulsive and obsessive, sectretive and obstinate.

♐sagittarius: november 22nd- december 21st
Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and good-humoured, honest and straightforward, intellectual and philosophical.

Blindly optimistic and careless, irresponsable and superficial, tactless and restless.

♑capricorn: december 22nd- january 19th
Practical and prudent, ambitious and disciplined, patient and careful, humorous and reserved.

Pessimistic and fatalistic, miserly and grudging

♒aquarius: january 20th-Feburary 18th
Friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, origanal and inventive, independant and intellectual.

Intractable and contrary, Perverse and unpredictable, umemotional and detached.

♓pisces: February 20th-March20
Imaginative and sensitive, compassionate and kind, selfless and unwordly, intuitive and sympathetic.

Escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and easily led.

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