Soul mates (phan)

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Disclaimer: I do not own this story and these are not my words. I take no credit!

Source: tumblr

Author: unknown

"Hey, love. How was your day today?" I asked as Phil sat next to me on the bed. He seemed to be more distant than usual. Ever since the visit to the doctor though he hasn't been the same. His mood always was sad but I've been trying to stay strong for him.

"It was fine. Dan, I think we need to talk." His head was low but I could see his expression was serious. I knew where this conversation was heading I've been trying so hard to avoid this but it was inevitable now.

"Of course you can." My voice was quiet. I could feel the lump in my throat growing as I looked at Phil who was now just a shadow of who he once was.

I laid down on the bed grabbing Phil's waist to pull him down with me so he can be comfortable. As he laid facing me I saw that eyes were bloodshot red, the bags under his eyes were much more visible. I pulled him as close as possible until there was no space in between us.He immediately buried his head into my neck his breathing the only sound I could hear. I wrapped my arm around his waist tracing small circles on his back.

"I want you to promise me something Dan. If someday I were to die or-"

"Phil, please I don't want to talk about this." This was physically killing me. The thought of Phil leaving me was painful but I know now that it's not impossible.

"Dan, we cannot keep ignoring this okay. I don't want to have this conversation either but we can't just continue living each day acting like the cancer isn't there. Ever since the tests came back positive our lives have literally fallen apart. I hate this as much as you do but my time is running out love."

"Please don't say that." At this point I broke down; I couldn't handle this anymore. The tears were streaming down my face. Phil was still staying calm but I knew that this could only last so long.

"I don't want to lie to you by saying that I'm going to survive and that we will have a 'happily ever after' because we both know that there is a ninety percent chance that I won't make it through the month. So please try and do me this favor; when I leave I want to stay strong for me. I want to fight just like I am right now. I want you to move o-"

"N-no you know I can't do that.You can't ask me to do that Phil. If you leave, you have to take me with you." My arm that once was caressing him now holding onto the fabric of his shirt balling it up in my fist. It's true though was he was saying but the truth hurts. The cancer was killing Phil with each moment and there was nothing I could to help. He alone is fighting this whole battle and I'm merely standing by watching.

"I just want you to try, for me." I let go of Phil's shirt and pulled my hand up to his face where I swept away his fringe and saw that silent tears were rolling down his face. I took my thumb a gently rubbed it over his cheek to make some of them disappear.

"I know you can beat this Phil because you're strong. Just fight to be the ten percent that wins there is still hope Phil. Just know that we are in this together baby." I gently kissed him on his cheek letting my lips linger there for a moment before I started directing them towards his lips. His lips were warm and soft; I wish it could have lasted longer but then shortly after Phil pulled away. I didn't ask why I just I wiped away the tears from my face and relaxed my breathing trying to pull myself together.

"Thank you. Hey, I noticed the reference there!." We both broke out in a fit of laughter. I didn't even notice I had accidently referenced High School Musical but as I saw Phil laugh I didn't care. 'Dan, I love you.' He said as he finally composed himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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