caging a lions roar

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"but why wont you let me live my dream?!" Rebecca yelled at her father.

"Because your mother had the same "dream " and look at her now, just look where she is!" her father yelled back.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother and where she is now! she isnt there because she wanted to be a dancer and failed she in there because you told her she wasn't good enough to be your why and a stuck up dancer!!" You coward!!" Rebecca yelled bursting into tears.

"I did say that because I wasn't gonna have my wife nor my daughter run away found something that a six year old dreams of!" her dad yelled

"I'm not six I'm seventeen! And mom was twenty-eight so don't you dare say its a six year olds dream. atleast I have a dream!" she said bursting into more sobs

"oh stop crying you sound like. your mother when they took her away..." her father said mockingly.

"STOP TALKING ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!" she screamed as she swung at him.

she nailed him three times and only one of them you could tell. she busted his lip and rage came into his eyes,

she ran,

up the stairs and locked the door she knew is wouldn't hold him for long she could only take mandetory items like clothes, deoderant, toothbrush,

he was at the door.

" you unlock this door now!" he yelled in a fit of rage.

There everything was in a small duffell bag and she was unlocking the window.

he was breaking the door down.

she slid the window open as bits of wood flew everywhere and he kicked the door in half.

"don't you to out that window! he yelled trying to catch her

he just barely snagged her blonde hair when she climbed out of the window she turned around and he was running down the stairs to try and catch her

She jumped of the roof thanking God she didn't break her ankle or she really wouldn't have been able to be a dancer.

she ran through the woods knowing he would only go about half way to find her before giving up.

she had about $120 dollars to her name. she needed to find her mother wherever they were keeping her. her career ended two years ago and people sent her things, mayne she has some money. Rebecca knew her mother wasn't crazy it was her fathers words that drove her to the attempt. maybe she could walk to mobile from here. 

she was walking through a park when she saw and bench and decided she better get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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