Caput Unum

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🌲Caput Unum🌲

  You know, when Dipper though of a worst case situation that could happen he thought that the worst that could happen was simply death. Of course, the monsters in the forest thought other wise. The young hunter was currently running for his life from an aswang, gasping for breath, racking though his brain to try to remember any way of defense against the being. Nothing came into mind. He was already preoccupied with running for his life and dodging or jumping obstacles, thanking any and all god like entities that have and do exist that he knew this forest like the birthmark on his forehead.

  Thinking of what he could do, Dipper narrowed down his choices to running to the shack and get Ford to help, continue running until he either died from exhaustion or was viciously chewed and ripped to shreds, or give up now. After mulling it over, Dipper scratched the 'Go-To-Shack-And-Get-Ford-To-Help' idea, knowing that he could end up hurting and possibly killing his friends and family. So now he had the 'Give-Up-Now' idea or the 'If-I-Die-I-Die-Fighting...Erm...Running' idea.

  Of course, with his luck, he was forced into the undeclared 'Get-Tackled-And-Be-Killed' plan. Apparently he had slowed down while thinking, and now was chocking on his shirt that he had managed to pull into his mouth during his thoughts. Sh*t! Now?! I've only just got into college! I was planning to be Mabel's best man! Why now?! Why not when I'm eighty somethi- A loud scream like cry escaped the teenager, tears stinging to escape. The Aswang had bitten into his leg, and he could hear, feel, the crunching of his bones.

  Dipper was glad that he was faced down and couldn't see the creature eating him alive, but sh*t did it hurt! He would rather have become Bill's husband over this, any day. Another scream left Him, cracking and fading at the end. He couldn't breathe. His vision was blurring and blackening. He was starting to get numb. He couldn't focus on anything. His hearing was now a dull beep and his mouth was dry. He didn't even notice the Monster being pulled off of him. He couldn't feel the arms wrap around him or the abnormal warmth coming from the being that was carrying him. The last thing Dipper though was I'm sorry Mabs...


  When Bill was planing to go and finally return to Gravity Falls and pester his favorite Pines with his new form, he didn't think he would be seeing said Pines being eaten alive and on the brink of death by an aswang. His Pine Tree's right leg was chewed a few inches below the knee. It was okay if you looked from an inch or two below the knee and up, but the rest of it was a mangled mess of muscles, tissues, and broken bones.

  Pine Tree's fair skin, slightly tanned from being outdoors for a majority of his adolescence, was quickly turning snow white. A low growl passed Bill's lips and before anyone could even gasp, the aswang was pulled away from Pine Tree and burned to death by Bill's cyan flames. Rushing towards his Pine Tree, Bill hastily casted a clotting spell on his leg before teleporting to the hospital and getting anyone to help. As soon as Pine Tree was out of his hands, he teleported near the shack before carefully knocking on the barrier.

  After a while of waiting, Shooting Star exited the old shack. She had changed. Her waist long hair was braided, and instead of skirts and flats she now wore shorts with converses. Although, she stayed with her sweaters and headbands, adding earnings to the mix. "Umm... Hi. How can I help you?" She asked, voice chirp and sweet, but eyes untrusting yet curious.

  Sighing, Bill looked back at the shack before returning his gaze towards Shooting Star. "Look Shooting Star, I was in the forest and saw Pine Tre-"

  "BILL?!?! WHAT THE UNICORNS ARE YOU DOING HERE AND HOW ARE YOU NOT A STATUE?!?!" The brunette exclaimed, eyes wide. "Holy Hidebehind- I NEED TO GET GREAT UNCLE FORD-frhmfrhmfrhm!"

  "ShOoTiNg StAr!!! ShUt ThE aXoLoTl Up AnD lEt Me SpEaK!!! DiPpEr GoT aTtAcKeD bY aN aSwAnG aNd Is aT tHe HoSpItAl!!! I JuSt CaMe HeRe AfTeR i GoT hIm ThErE tO tElL yOu ThAt He'S tHeRe!!!" Bill's golden hair was now bright read and the dark brown part of his hair in the back was now jet black, contrasting against his now pale pink, almost white, skin. His pupils were pale yellow, almost white, slits while the rest of his eyes were black. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, removed the spell he used to shut Shooting Star's mouth, and sighed, turning back to his normal human form. "I know you're asking questions, but I'll answer most of them after Dipper gets stable. Okay?"

  After a minute or two of silence Shooting Star finally spoke. "Y-you called him Dipper." Waiting for a response, and not getting one, she nodded. "I'll go get the Stans, will you be at the hospital or waiting here?"

  "I'll be around. If you need me, just ask ol' sixter to summon me." With that the, now human(ish), demon teleported to the restaurant that Pine Tree and Shooting Star loved oh so much. Greasy's Dinner. Entering, he ordered a plate of coffee omelette and pure black coffee. After ordering, he trudged towards a small booth and sighed. Is this what humans do when someone important to them get injured? Or should I- Shanking his head from wondering off into nonsense, he turned and looked around, noticing that many teenagers and young adults had- What are those again... ah! Yes, iPhones. Putting a hand in his grey jean's pocket, he created an iPhone. Let's see, what games should I get for me, myself, and I? Mhh... this one looks interesting...


  As soon as Bill teleported away, Mabel rushed back into the shack and towards her great uncles. "Grunkle Stan! Great-uncle Ford! Bill just came! He's saying that Dipper's at the hospital and got attacked by an ahswag? Whatever it's called." Looking around she frowned. She was pretty sure the Stans were here. Looking around, she finally found them in the kitchen, silent. Listening to a phone was Ford, and Stan was impatiently waiting. "Gr-grunkle Stan?"

  "We heard ya sweetie, but, we got a call from the hospital just now." Mabel took in a breath of air, holding it in and anxiously awaiting an answer. "He's mostly stable... and has a high chance of making it through... but..." Stan looked up at Ford, who was curtly thanking the person on the other line before ending the call. Ford looked back at Stan and nodded, before turning around and grabbing the keys to the car. "He lost a leg."


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