Ran(feat kittens)

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''bye mum''she said as she walked out the door like she did on most mornings,I tried to finish my food because I knew what was coming next.''Shoo!go,you can't stay in here!''the older one shoved me out the door once again.I knew what I would do now,walk around until I saw them come home like always.

except,today was different.I heard unfamiliar voices accompanied people i'd never seen.It was a bit startling but it wasn't a big deal but I noticed something which made me quake in fear.With them was a dog,a huge intimidating dog quite different to the neighbours annoying Chihuahua.Suddenly,from what seemed like nowhere he came running towards me,screaming at me in a language I didn't understand.

So I ran.I ran as fast as my paws would take me.In all my fear I managed to catch a glimpse of his name tag.Fluffy.What a misleading name.I came to a stop as the noises faded away and while my heat was still pounding I looked around, where was I?

Why did I have to run?it had seemed to be the only logical thing to do at the time but now I see I could have done multiple other more intelligent things to do,I could have walked back,I could have hidden!But I ran,I wondered as regret clouded all of my thoughts and I tried to look for something familiar,anything.NOTHING.

A cat slowly approached me  however this cat wasn't like me,It had scars and it's fur was falling out.this cat wasn't screaming or even saying a thing,just looking at me with understanding eyes but before this unknown friend could speak fear took over once again and I ran.

I didn't know how long it had been since I had lost my way,I strolled out from behind the bin that had been my shelter for the night.It had all become relatively routine,there was no comfort anymore,everyday a new risk.

It had been a relatively calm day today so I was bathing in the sun,enjoying my now extremely rare peace until I heard something which made me jump.Giggling voices came towards me,I saw there eyes light up as they saw me"Kitty!Come here!"they reached for me with their tiny hands,at first I tried to fight back but even though I had still spent the whole morning lazing around,I was still exhausted so I lest them pick me up.They took me home and fed me,It was strange to me now.I can't remember the last time that happened. 

I walked pat a mirror and saw something frightening.it was a cat with scratches and scars and it's hair was falling out.It was me.I looked like that cat I met on the first night.

It was weird being in a house again,a part of me wanted to love it,to call it home but I couldn't wasn't me,not anymore.That night I left.I ran as fast as I could on my journey to nowhere when something caught my eye.A kitten,she was fluffy,white and terrified.The bell on her little pink collar shook frantically as her eyes darted around,presumably looking for something familiar.I approached her to see if I could help her but what did she do?

She ran.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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