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(Reader's P.O.V)

The school year was finally over. Mom and dad are working, so that meant I got the house to myself throughout the entire week.

I didn't even bother putting my school stuff away; I set my my backpack down on the table, reached in, and dug out an old VCR tape.

The box was blank, and written on it in permanent ink was "Candle Cove". My friend, Orla, gave me this before school let out. She seemed really happy to get rid of it...

~Lazy time skip~

I grabbed some snacks, put the tape in, and flopped down on the couch. The screen went to static, you could have swore you saw a glimpse of someone wearing a pig mask, but you simply shrugged it off. "This better be worth it," I groaned.

Soon the theme song started playing, and these little puppets appeared on the screen. I face palmed, and groaned. "This is awful..." I thought. "I know Orla is a scaredy-cat, but I didn't know she would be so scared of this!" I grunted and leaned back into the couch, and continued watching. Not like I had much of a choice....

The night droned on as I watched more of the show. To be wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would; my favorite character would have to be Percy. He was the least terrifying of them all, and I laughed at how easily he got scared.

However, I kept getting this awful chill down my spine whenever Skintaker appeared on screen...

I looked over at the clock,and saw that it was already 2 in the morning. I snapped my attention back towards the screen when I had noticed the screen went back to static, and shut off...

I shivered and curled up in a warm blanket. "That's enough for today," I thought.


I soon drifted off to sleep, but jolted back up wide awake when I heard what sounded like a little girl screaming. My T.V flickered back on; the little tune soon began to play again, but this time much more high pitched. I covered my ears, and tried to shut off the T.V. once more, but to no avail.

I soon panicked when I noticed that water was surrounding me; the water continued to rise until I was completely under. Everything became dark and blurry; I heard muffled whispers, but soon fell unconscious.

(( I really hope you guys like this. I'm bored and wanted to go ahead and upload this))

In the Cove. (Pirate Percy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now