Here Kitty Kitty... Human?

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Elizabeth 3rd looked out at the skyline from the penthouse suite. "I wonder..."  thought Elizabeth 3rd, "How is (y/n) doing...?" 

Jumin stared at his cat, wondering why she was acting so distant. The doors opened and Jaehee walked in, holding some paperwork in her hands. She then placed them on his desk.

"I just finished these, Mr. Han," said Jaehee, "You can look them over later."

Jumin quickly glanced at the paperwork, but then averted his gaze back to Elizabeth 3rd. Jaehee followed his gaze to see him looking at the cat who was staring off into the skyline.

"Assistant Kang," began Jumin, "Did you too notice that Elizabeth 3rd seems to be acting more distant?"

Jaehee internally cringed, not wanting to talk about the cat. "I'm too busy with my job to notice such things Mr. Han," began Jaehee, "But, yes, I have noticed that she hasn't been sitting in your lap or been near you quite as often as before."

"What do you think the problem is?"

"Maybe Elizabeth 3rd desires a companion..."  thought Jaehee. She then shook her head, not wanting to tell Jumin her thought. "I do not know cats quite as well as you, Mr. Han, therefore, I don't know," replied Jaehee.

Jumin stared at Elizabeth 3rd a bit longer. "Very well," he said, turning to face his assistant, "You now have a new job: find out what is making Elizabeth 3rd act this way."

Jaehee sighed, "Yes, Mr. Han." She then turned around to walk out the door. Before she left, Jumin called out to her.

"Assistant Kang."

Jaehee turned around, holding the door open, "Yes, Mr. Han?"

"You know what tomorrow is, correct?"

"Yes, October 5th," answered Jaehee, "Your birthday."

Jumin nodded his head and Jaehee took her leave.

~ ~ ~

"Hey. Hey! Jack! No! Get off of Mack! Zack? Where do you think you're going? It's time to eat, come back! Hey!"

You squatted down and set down bowls of food and water in front of the triplet kittens. As soon as the bowls touched the ground, the kittens had your attention and bounded over, eating as soon as they got there. Once they began eating, you sighed and stood up, scratching behind your ear.

"Nice work, (y/n)!" said the manager. You turned around and faced the manager, your tail knocking down some merchandise.

"Oops..." you said, picking up the merch and putting them back. The manager laughed.

"It must be hard to be a neko, huh?" asked the manager.

"Sometimes..." you said, shrugging your shoulders.

"Anyway, it's time for your lunch. Afterward you can take a cat nap." The manager handed you some of your favorite food.

"Thanks, I'm guessing the deal we made is still going on?" you asked.

"Yup," replied the manager.

You nodded your head at him sat down on a chair. You then began to eat your lunch, remembering how you first got here.

~ Flashback ~

"Hey Liz! Come here, it's time to eat!"

You watched as a kitten bounded over, fur white as snow and eyes blue as ice. The kitten stared down at the meal you provided and looked back up at you thankfully.

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