First Period - Part 1

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[C/N] = Crushes Name

[F/N] = Friends Name

[F/C] = Favorite Color

Hope you enjoy the first part of my fanfic! <3

You hear an alarm and then you get up to shut it off and you see that its 6:30 in the morning. Your mother calls from down the hallway "[Y/N] make sure your ready by 6:45! You need to get to school" You yell back "okay mother!" You quickly take a shower and slip on your cute [F/C]dress grab your bag and walk out of your room. You greet your brother in the kitchen to grab a quick snack before you leave and then he asks you "Hey you have been acting really weird lately is it something I need to address?" you reply with "No everything has been fine I just am really stressed lately" he replies "Alright well if there is a problem tell me okay?" you reply with "okay, are you coming to school late today?" he replies with "yeah I have a doctors appointment but ill be there by lunch" you reply with "okay I love you, bye!" you walk out of the house and eat the snack on the walk to school. You arrive at school and see [C/N] standing by the stone wall talking to [F/N] and you get a bit annoyed due to the fact that your friend would have no problem saying something embarrassing about you to him. [F/N] calls out [Y/N] and you look over there scratching your head and you try to look away but she takes [C/N] by his wrist and walks him over to you. "Hey" your crush says, "H-Hi" you reply shyly. Suddenly the one minute bell rings and you say quickly "I have to go" and you run off. "[Y/N!]" Your crush shouts, you turn your head and say quickly "yeah?" "Were in the same period haha, let me walk you" he replies openly "O-okay ^-^" You both walk into first period and its drawing, your teacher is the coolest teacher ever so she lets you pick what you want to draw. You see [C/N] talking with the teacher about something and you wonder what it is but you don't question it. The teacher then takes role of the class and says "Alright everyone so I have assigned partners for this group assignment" and as it was meant to seem you and your crush are partnered.

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