The night I met a Monster...

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IT WAS dark. Well past midnight. Lindsay was creeping to her room. If Mom or Ronald knew she was still awake... Even thought it was the weekend, Saturday morning to be precise.

"Why can I not stay up later?" she'd asked, but then there was no reaction to this question – thus she took matters into her own hands!

Without light, she was going about it slowly. The moon, as well as all the stars, were blocked by the darkening clouds. She was almost as blind as a bat. The curtains and blinds were all drawn. Thus, she maneuvered by touch only.

This was also the problem, "Just take it easy if you knock something down they'd know that you've been up... then there would be trouble..." Lindsay scorned herself as she struggled to get the Movie out of her mind and to her room as well.

The wind was constantly howling around the house. It was keeping a very close eye on her as she only reached the staircase. She had to bare her weight on the railing, as there were a few of the steps which would snitch on her if they bore her full weight!

"That really does sound like the wolves from the Movie... They must be circling the house. They must be smelling my fear!" she almost wanted to scream – only she heard her own fears very well – "Why don't they just leave me alone! I don't even taste that good!" she whispered, just making sure that she did hear herself speak.

She looked at the staircase. She didn't have the courage getting to the top. Only, if they found her sleeping downstairs, there would be far too many questions!

"You'd better know what you're doing Lindsay! How many times have you tried to sneak up and they found you doing so!" she asked herself as she heard another wolf howling around the corner – this one sounded different from what she'd heard.

Lindsay jumped around, hearing the sound from the front door. She saw some kind of light paying off the metal of the post drop.

"Just... how in the World... There's no light on inside the house!" she said, not even realizing that she spoke aloud!

As a shadow played across the ceiling, she turned slowly.

"Get a move on... the longer you stay here the more you waste time and chance of getting caught! They can smell your fear! You sat through that movie, all alone! Now you better get yourself upstairs!" she shouted within her mind, shaking as she took the first step and closing her eyes for the time being.

She grasped the railing with all she had. If the wind were to blow at her, she wouldn't want to fall off the staircase!

"You see... you see! This is the kind of nonsense that gets up in your head that makes everyone know, everyone believe you're weird! Stop... sto...p wasting your time! Get a move on and to your... r..." she was about to say, but then there was another play of shadows on the ceiling at the top of the staircase.

Her heart pounded in her cheats!

Her hands were sweating profusely because of her fear!

Her hand was slipping from the rail!

"It's coming for me! Coming for girls, children who didn't listen to their parents... Even if one isn't my real..." she wanted to fight with herself again – but then the next installment of shadowy figures blasted across the ceiling!

This time, her desert dry mouth didn't allow her to swallow properly.

She shut her eyes tightly. Covering them with her other hand. Bending over and trying

to hide as best possible!

Then suddenly a massive wind-burst ripped at the house.

"Ha..." Lindsay just barely contained her immediate fight – "The giant is coming after me! The wolves tracked me down by my smell... Here at our house! They're going to get me!" Lindsay shouted within herself, as she felt the railing, the wind again violently ripped at the house – aiming at her alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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